E-Rank Healer - Ch. 14

Aggregator gang
Jun 28, 2019
That old man is not as wise as he seems, or maybe he's the master mind behind the pit viper?! Lol anyway, thank you for the update!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
lol they defend themself but she didn't event say anything to accuse them yet
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2020
You lost the moment you tried to use logic in a fantasy manga. The main characters are supposed to get led around by the nose until the plot happens to them. They're not allowed to have any agency.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
Yep, I would also made the cunt or her master drink the tea and stop them from drinking/swallowing anything else.
If it's just tea then you would just have bad aftertaste since it wouldn't be one made how you like it. But if it's poisoned then you either start dying or try to take antidote which both show how right she was. And if they were a little smarter then they would have taken antidote earlier and then drank the poisoned tea - this way you completely fuck up with MC because you "prove" that she was wrong.
But of course that would take a strong will from FeMC to force them to drink it and we know how broken she still is.
But the strangest thing is how the whole situation happens without MC, Mage and his servant. Like the very next panel that the old healer leaves we are shown FeMC group like nothing happened. And they literally just got the tea from the cunt student.
Could have been really cool scene if it happened or if what @comeonnow0 said happened.
What we got was comically obvious.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
shoulda just thrown the tea in her face carol. (or at least make them drink it if there's really nothing wrong with it) granted i get WHY carol didn't argue the point further. these are the types of people who will immediately throw their title or position around when provoked or feel threatened, and despite very obviously being with an S rank hero there are ways to work around that so that she can only defend herself with no outside help, so it wasn't a bad choice to feign an apology and then investigate on her own with the others...but still i think it's very telling how those two were quick to jump on the defensive that if she prodded a little more their excuses would fall apart.
Double-page supporter
Oct 27, 2018
@comeonnow0 Wait, sure it's possible that there's medicine Carol doesn't know about but how exactly was she "acting high and mighty"? She was just asking questions.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
This is why it's not a crime to have feelings. At this point, even if old man and glasses are innocent, they're still a couple of jerkbags.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2018
I like this series, but the MC is kind of an idiot and it's getting somewhat annoying. Why does she still trust everybody?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Kevadu I said in her opinion, meaning in the opinion of the assistant. Mamari has been working for multiple years as the personal assistant of the highest ranked healer in the country. Then comes an unknown person who is the daughter of the previous director of healing. Mamari was still generally okay at first. Super shy and hiding behind Sage Sarga but still willing to listen to Carol and give Carol a chance to prove herself. Then Carol shows that she doesn't know about this supposedly widespread anesthetic drug. Carol, a person who everyone has been raving about lately, lacks knowledge of something common.

That's how Carol looked high and mighty in Mamari's opinion. Let's assume that Mamari is good/not bad (I doubt it, but whatever). Maybe Mamari is a bit harsh. Not unreasonably harsh, though. It would be realistic.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
I mean, all you'd have to do to prove the theory is to showcase your drink and someone else's drink. Thus showing an inconsistency.

Then to prove innocence she could drink the tea given. Honestly, the old man is probably the one involved and the assistant is just a smart idiot.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Maybe she's doping the director's tea with drugs to keep him in a leash...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Why the heck is that b**** doping the tea? It's stupid and a quick way of showing how scummy you are
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
p.3 well isn't it 'her' fault that she didn't communicate earlier? being withdrawn is fun and all but this joint collaboration will have the two be exposed to each other for a long duration
p.18 "pain" paint. and the whole getting offended thing is legitimate.
p.29 ...how convenient

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