Okay, I REALLY want to punch that dumb narcissist mage!
First off, Carol spent years in one of THE MOST toxic relationships ever! One of which she was both kidnapped and brainwashed into without even her consent! It's a damn near lucky thing that Gram and his party never touched her physically. But still, after finally making a clean break from that horrible situation, which would normally break a weak willed person, I think Carol MORE THAN EVER deserves time to recover and be allowed to actually enjoy a real positive human relationship, not waste her time trying to prove anything to anyone! Because for God sakes, THERE IS NOTHING TO PROVE!
Because second off, as far as most fantasy stories concerning adventurers are written there is one basic rule to them: They are a free will society of people. Yes, there are guild and societal rules to which they must follow but as far as I know there is none governing the issue of love and marriage. In other words, regardless of their goddamn rank, they are free to love whomever they damn well please! They're not bound to lineage obligations like royality and nobility are which means they have the complete freedom to love anyone including an E-Rank! So those idiotic women who are upset about this issue need to get over themselves because: A - Let's see them go through what Carol did and not come out worst for wear and B - If Kaido said no already then move the f**k on because he's not going to change his mind with that type of needy/jealous attitude!
And finally third, with the trials going on, has not one person considered the fact that all of those years spent with Gram and him stealing all of the credit for their missions together means that maybe her rank should have probably been raised a long time ago? I mean, after all the BS she was put through with that party that would be kindest thing the guild could do for her since they left this type of situation go for so long without double checking anything or investigating if anything suspicious was happening. Probably won't happen but it should. She shouldn't need to prove herself by taking an exam when it's clear she's had both her credit stolen and she was taught far beyond what any normal ranked healer would know about medicine. I mean, for God sakes, her dad was also an S-Rank person that Kaido admired! So again she really doesn't need to prove anything, whether to the mage or those dumb women!
Anyways, sorry for that rant. Just hate that mage and women. Carol should be allowed to peacefully enjoy the lovers life with Kaido, not have all those jealous men/women come wanting to push her down when she's just learned how to stand back up again.