Elf Deck To Senjou Gurashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Battle with the Blasphemer Trogai

Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Last time I played MTG in any bigger amount was way back in 2005 when Saviour/betrayers/champions of Kamigawa came out and I also played mono-green or green with some white.
So I would probably end up as one of the many many super-powerful spirits demigods of those sets.

If I end up human I might become a weak woman who can summon multiple forests per turn or a geisha who can instantly kill anything whenever you take damage.
or a male monk who can summon a giant wood elemental every turn that is +1+1 for every forest I control.

All in all could be worse.
My deck would be made off a lot of small units that buff another single unit and units that gets other cards back in my hand when they die, and TONS of magic cards.
That combined with the ability to ramp really fast thanks to a few cheap cards like the woman I mentioned above and your generic Llanowar Elves type cards that is tapped for +1 mana allowed for spamming a lot of cards in general in the early game and out tempo your opponent.
The biggest flaw of the deck was that if you never got to your legendary cards with limited card draw you ran out of steam fast as the revive mechanics of the cards don´t last forever.

I would ramp and spam a lot of units and spells ,but I'm probably going to get stomped power-wise thanks to 15 years of power creep anyway :/
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 4, 2018
@Goldenzeal ahhh man, if you stuck around for one more block you woulda gotten to play the Ravnica set, that was a really good block! Kamigawa set was fun, the books were good.

Hidetsugu the legendary red ogre that deals damage to each player = to half their current HP. had a sick role. He describes how he slowly tortures this bad guy by starving him until he is desperate enough to eat his own extremities that the ogre had cut off and poisoned, making even the act of satisfying his own hunger a painful experience until he was nothing but a torso. That chapter freakin chilled me.

Hmmm. Kamigawa i played a black/red deck. I had aa combo with Hidetsugu that let him do double damage and it would kill off everyone in the game at the same time. not a good 1v1 deck, but fun AF in a FFA table match
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

I only played a little bit with red on the side, so never got to try out Hidetsugu myself.
But he looks pretty strong even by himself considering he can cut somebody´s HP a few times and then you just burn your opponent with a damage spell. (and what red deck don't have that)
Black ( and Blue ) was more of my brother´s colours tho.

However I did play a little of Ravnica, but that is where I more or less stopped.
I got a starter deck as a present but never really got to play it much:
I am and have always been a green fanboy so it was token spamming for me. ( Edit: after looking it up, it was the "Selesnya United" starter deck )
I did really like the tree land that made tokens, it was pretty busted and won me most of the few games I played with it.

That said I loved the lore concept of a "city world" that is divided into guilds like Ravina ( or Isunia from Shadowverse if you played that card game... its free on steam if you got some time to waste )
Btw fun fact, Ravnica was actually made a Cannon setting in Dungeons and Dragons a few years back it was a pretty weird Deja vu moment before I realised where it came from.
( i play some DnD now and then with a few friends and one of the mad lads actually got the book for the setting for a campaign )
Mar 21, 2019
I feel like Scars' abilities' costs should probably be the other way around 'cuz one mana to revive a creature? that's beyond busted even if it's restricted to elves
Aug 29, 2020
Page 2 middle naga card does not work that nicely in the combo since discard is not dying.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 26, 2018
I'm not entirely of everything that's happening, but I just want to see how the story progresses with mc's body, human civilization and the world outside the cards
Apr 16, 2020
Lol if I was my deck I would be an immortal war god. Rip the people below I got lucky with my frickin 7/4 Immortal when attacking war god also when first summoned is a 3/3 enchantment that can be turned into a unit at any time like any instants. (It's kinda expensive though.) Plus I have a bunch of blue strengthening artifacts combined with green Giantification and all my cards are either red or black making me have tons of small fry combined with a total of 3 ridiculous 10/10 monsters. My strategy is to hit hard and fast so your opponent can't hit you back.

My other deck is a blue weakening deck that I just can't get the hang of. I guess I'm just suited for the more simple decks.

I'm more of a red/black player. (Btw I'm talking about Magic the gathering.)
Active member
Feb 16, 2020
Kekekeke. I use change of hearts! X3! Then I do some complicated dark magician stuff and get all the change of hearts back! Then I repeat until your side is mine. Kekeke. It’s totally not like change of hearts got banned from tournaments (not sure if it’s back with the effects heavily nerfed.)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
Ah. So when the score is 2/1 vs 1/1, the latter wins without breaking a sweat. When it's 7/7 vs 8/8, suddenly the math works.

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