@bisami you are really onto something here, always the female is the salvation of the male.
Although I don’t have a problem with men or women being saved by their love interests, it’s nice to acknowledge it.. that it goes both ways.
Ok I’m really thinking that the ML should move on and give up on her.
She was never his friend (I said it too many times), and that’s something that might be very hard for him to acknowledge, but I think she just never cared about him as a person in any shape or form, she was busy “keeping herself on his good side”, that’s why she never told him off before or tried to guide him in a caring way.
Now that she has Alice and the other guy on her side, she no longer feels like she needs to care about him and tossing him aside like old news.
I really don’t understand where the author is going with this main relationship, will she suddenly change her mind or make him lose his mind even more?
I mean since he was a child his family tried to assassinate him, he could hear people mocking him all around, I don’t think anybody would become fine by that.
Nobody to guide him, so It’s not hard to think that he will use mind control to make things stop as a child and as an adult having hard time to stop the habit.
He started to notice it’s wrong now, but I do think he needs a support system to guide him... at this time the only person who was supposed to care about him as not hope for him and treats him as the spawn of Satan. So we are going to have this back and forth for how long?