@bastek66 That was an inaccurate piece of news and I was tricked by it to read through the story thinking it has finished... Sigh. The author was joking that "So this is how it ended... Of course not, it will continue in the next issue lol" (第三部完ッ!いえ大丈夫です。まだ続きます). Really dumb reading by the ANN writer who wrote it, but what can you do.
@Allytgg Somebody said that this franchise really encompasses it all, from one end to another, and therefore is some sort of 神 series in its own right lol.
@dexdoujinmanga I mean Fate has always been very tragic. Hell the original FSN was even classified as a nukige instead of a utsuge, since every ending was tragic. I have been intrigued to see how the author approaches this central topic in Fate about "you have to choose one/you can only save one", which I was never totally onboard with.