Very true. The issue is the NSFW source on a SFW manga. I'm sure there are plenty of funny loli expression from SFW sources out there to use instead!
@Sullieman, as
@Ahbahl said you definitely have alternatives even if they're sfw, so I use his avatar as a suggestion, Made in Abyss has some great loli expressions you can use, plus if people know what it is about they know how dark it gets, I assume
@BraveDude8 and the other mods wouldn't have a issue with it since it's not pornographic, so everyone wins!
Well, except the people who will continue to whine, but that's good right?
I know you might think the worst of what I said, I do admit I'm playing a little of rules lawyer over the subject, a part of me do find amusing seeing people triggered over Kyuukei shenanigans, but I hope my suggestion isn't a issue, one can argue Made in Abyss is pretty clearly degenerate stuff, there's obvious signs the mangaka is absolutely inserting his fetishes on it with what happens with Riko and Reg, but even so it's still not porn, so I hope it's fine.
Yeah,the mod basically talked about how tied their hands were.
Sure,you can just ignore a piracy site getting nation restricted since VPNs are a dime a dozen,but that also means all kinds of loading issues.
That baby who replied to the first fella who replied to the mod,though...
Yeah, they also mentioned the user experience as a whole too, as mods Mangadex staff has to take into account various issues, so we can't really blame them unless they make a decision that is clearly unreasonable or bullshit.
Does my mind fill feel in the gaps in the wrong way? I don't remember what exactly was depicted on the page, but it didn't leave much room to have it extrapolated in any other way.
Trust me when I say this, the expressions he used are not as bad as you think, you can very easily find safe manga with the same expressions, sometimes worse even, there's no end for the rabbit hole of degeneracy.
They also talked about how borderline-NSFW pages posted for a Safe-rated manga are shit user experience
That's one of the reasons I can't disregard their logic, although I still think Kyuukei choice and cropping wasn't a big deal, their logic is still reasonable, I guess one shouldn't cross the streams of sfw and nsfw.
Though it do makes me wonder if it would have been fine in one of those series super heavy in fanservice, after all many are already borderline porn to begin with, so you can't really get any worse unless you outright show sex