Well, I guess that at least answers my question.
I came to the forums and registered just so I could ask about why all my links to Mangadex - even the home page - suddenly shows up as a completely white and empty. Until I finally tried with a different browser I did not know that it was due to the browser I was using because... empty white pages without any error message. (For all I knew, the site was down.)
It's frustrating to see some of the more popular websites I use abandon all support of certain browsers, demanding everyone use only the most popular browsers and - even then - only work if they've been updated to the latest updates. I mean, Waterfox Classic still has a lot of users. For that matter, so do some others like Pale Moon.
even worse is that some of the most popular browsers have suddenly dropped support for older OS's, meaning we have to upgrade to a newer OS just to update our browsers all in order to visit some of these websites.
Whatever happened to the concept of being user-friendly and endeavoring to be available to the widest possible audience? I think about 10 or 15 years ago many of us would have never imagined that software and the Internet would go to this extreme.
What I'd like to know is the supposed benefits of making such site updates. Is it to improve protection against things like SPAM or malware? Is that what is worth the cost of dropping support for all these other browsers?