Raoul, I love you man but...that doesn't make a lick of sense. That's like saying if you have a kid that one day becomes a serial killer, you're just as evil because he's your kid. That comment felt so out of place considering we JUST learned that the gods get off on suffering and damnation like it's televised porn. Like, is that really the best comparison we could make with that knowledge?
Or is this coming directly from Author-san as a pseudo-intellectual comment at religion? C'mon author-san, stop scrolling reddit and go to bed.
Weird comments aside. Can't wait to see these guys all get wrecked again. Raoul may very well allow himself to lose for a bit to have some fun or to get closer to the scythe. It'll be fun to see.
There's quite a lot of irony in your statement when you try to define what the author is thinking within your own narrow definitions, then use that to insult them.
For example, you apply an analogy about the child because that is your immediate understanding of the implied relationship between humans and creator deities. Objectively, not all creation myth follows that. Subjectively, the author is most certainly not, simply because it's as you say, an obvious logical fault otherwise.
Or, to you, someone who passes commentary on religion is some kind of echo chamber denizen. Further irony that to you, that is typified as 'Reddit', when almost certainly the author has never visited the site. Sure, pointing that out may seem pedantic, just replace it with some Japanese equivalent. But putting aside that the Japanese don't quite have anything as unhealthy as that social stewing pot, it just further indicates your tendency to define the author's thinking within your worldview.