There's quite a lot of irony in your statement when you try to define what the author is thinking within your own narrow definitions, then use that to insult them.
Calling a spade a spade isn't an insult. You took it that way.
For example, you apply an analogy about the child because that is your immediate understanding of the implied relationship between humans and creator deities.
The relationship I gave was symbolic, not literal. The point being that a creating entity cannot be blamed for the free choice of it's creation, no matter how bad the entity itself may or may not be. That's not an implied relationship, that's basic logic.
Objectively, not all creation myth follows that. Subjectively, the author is most certainly not, simply because it's as you say, an obvious logical fault otherwise.
The story outright shows and displays that humans have free wills. The story says the gods created them. Raoul says the gods are bad because humans are bad.
These are all stated in the story. I don't know what "Creation myth" you're talking about but I was speaking given the circumstances of what we've seen and have been shown by the author. You seem to be making some kind of connection that aint there.
Or, to you, someone who passes commentary on religion is some kind of echo chamber denizen.
The comment was dumb and weirdly out of place considering that the series just showed us how dubious the gods are. I do not understand the logical conclusion Raoul brings about by saying that the gods are evil because people do evil things. The gods are evil because they're self-righteous arrogant pricks, humans have nothing to do with that.
Further irony that to you, that is typified as 'Reddit', when almost certainly the author has never visited the site. Sure, pointing that out may seem pedantic, just replace it with some Japanese equivalent.
It is pedantic and also very wrong. It's a joke on a site filled with non-japanese people, from non-japanese countries. The joke WORKS because you know what Reddit is and what the site is like.
But putting aside that the Japanese don't quite have anything as unhealthy as that social stewing pot,
This is factually incorrect.
There are thousands of sites in Japan that have often lead to people committing suicide or leaving their jobs. In fact the reason for the voice actress of Haruhi Suzumiya leaving the voice acting world was because of how vicious people were after finding out she slept with 3 guys. Online bullying in Japan is
a MASSIVE issue.
Porn actresses in japan have gone on record talking about how vicious and cruel online commentators are... And you're honestly being naive if you don't think that such people don't have themselves wrapped up in unhealthy online spaces where the worst of the worst can come out of people. I don't know what your idea of Japan is, but it's certainly not this golden rain and sunshine you're thinking of.
it just further indicates your tendency to define the author's thinking within your worldview.
Please take whatever image you seemingly cultivated in your mind when I did not bow down and kiss the author's sphincter, and push it off the edge of Bikini Bottom. The author isn't above me throwing a few cracks at his expense nor questioning his character's weird monologues.