The angels sure are having fun working for Raoul-sama.
Calling it, there is a few good people and Raoul-sama will judge them as such, but he's gonna kill them anyway, not out of malice though, but as a mercy since their world sucks, and since he's basically the God of Hell he's gonna create a Elysian Fields to put them.
Something that I remembered, Raoul-sama is basically both God of Hell and God of Love, but he can't fully get their powers without meeting the Absolute God, which he said he would do later, it's also made clear all gods are assholes and see humans as toys, so I think it's safe to assume in the long run he's gonna kill them all and become the only God.
I guess in the long run Raoul-sama gonna become the one true Absolute God and recreate the world or something, to make it better.
The manga is isekai, but did it ever make clear Raoul-sama comes from our world? Maybe the entire manga is origin story for the Christian God, which is Raoul-sama, after all if anyone knows enough about the Bible they'll know both can be really petty vengeancefull assholes.
Raoul-sama truly is our lord and savior