Freeze frogs, behead frogs, roundhouse kick a frog into the concrete, slam dunk a tadpole into the trashcan, crucify filthy frogs, defecate into a frog's food, launch frogs into the sun, flash-freeze frogs with a spellcard, toss frogs into active volcanoes, urinate into a frog's gas tank, judo throw frogs into a woodchipper, twist frogs' heads off, report frogs to Yamaxanadu, karate chop frogs in half, curbstomp pregnant frogs, trap frogs in ice, crush frogs in a trash compactor, liquefy frogs in a vat of acid, eat frogs, dissect frogs, exterminate frogs in the gas chamber, stomp on frogs with steel-toed boots, cremate frogs in the oven, lobotomize frogs, grind frog eggs in the garbage disposal, drown frogs in fried chicken grease, vaporize frogs with a ray gun, kick old frogs down the stairs, feed frogs to alligators, slice frogs in half with a katana.