Fushi no Sougishi

Active member
Aug 15, 2020
This is so fucking shounen-esque that I'm legitimately disgusted.

Pushover woe-is-me sheltered MC with no voluntary character growth and a few "comedic" skits that aren't even fitting or funny.

Seperate your fucking forced comedy from the darker scenes you sick fuck it doesn't add anything to the shit storytelling.

7/10 if this was listed as Shounen
3/10 as a Seinen
Aug 15, 2020
This has a lot of potential but it has only basically covered a single arc (not really sure if the multi-chapter intro could be counted as a seperate arc) so far.
We should be seeing if it gets good from here on out. I seriously hope it doesn't become aimless, as it does have some possibility of being that way.

The main character is neither strong or weak, both physically or emotionally, but he's had quite a bit of development after this arc. Whether it will be carried on into the future has yet to be seen.
We don't really know too much about him personally, though. The side characters receive quite an appropriate amount of "screen" time, so I don't really have complaints regarding them.
If anything, my only complaint is that we don't have much to work with for the main character and his place in the world.
This series may be really good in the future, though, so I'd keep a thumb on it even if I'm not especially interested rn.


Aug 31, 2020
I just have to say that all the fuckers hating on this can just fuck off for all I care, I mean no one forced you to read this so stop fucking complaining about how baseless this manga for you.

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Jul 1, 2020
I’m not sure, as i said its just speculation by me, highly doubt they kill a character such as her like this. Doesn't make sense unless they use it to drive the MC or such.

Read the latest chapter and yep i guess i’m wrong. Good manga nevertheless, i like it.
Aggregator gang
Dec 7, 2020
RIP Cover Girl

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
@C25 Well, one read mamga cuz they find it interesting, and if they hate something in it, then that's just on them, but facts are facts lol
Oct 24, 2019
RIP instructor ;-;

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
This got the vibe of Saihate no Paladin but kinda have much more plot to comes
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
a lot of ppl saying this is bad but imo it's pretty good...
did i miss something or
Aug 2, 2020
ugh, this has the potential but the author doesn't have any original ideas. The plot is the only one original in this story, but how the story goes are all a trope, too much drama and the power of friendship
Dec 1, 2019
So when is the hero going to kill the princess
It’s a good manga
Jun 29, 2019
Can someone explains to me [using spoiler function so mangadex admin wont get mad] What happened in the last 5 chapters? Caus ei have no clue what is even happening rn
Jun 5, 2019
Did everyone else read a different manga cuz everyone is complaining about stuff like “it’s got no point” etc. but we’re barely getting into the story so far...? And so far I understand the world perfectly fine? Did you guys want a story that spells everything out for you textbook-style? Because there’s certainly manga that does that; this one just chose to reveal things as we go. It’s also pretty messed up imo to say the manga is “disgusting” for no good reason other than “I didn’t like it” :/

If you didn’t like it then say your piece, you don’t have to insult the manga like it punched you in the face then kicked you in the crotch or something.

We’re barely getting into the manga and a lot of you guys are already claiming it’s going to be “aimless trash.” If you can give other mangas with 200+ chapters a chance, you can certainly give this one a chance.

If someone genuinely wants an explanation for what I think is going on so far:
In this world there are mainly three types of beings:
1) immortals, who are born special and have the ability to use magic (and are- immortal, I hope you got that). MC has shown that immortals can take life from living things to heal themselves (increase their own life), but this is considered a taboo. Immortals almost always become undertakers; so far we haven’t seen any exclusions, but based on what MC’s master said: they do have a “choice.” Undertakers belong to the church and use their magic / “gift” to send the deceased to heaven. However, the church charges a hefty sum for this magic (since everyone wants it).
2) humans, who are just humans. They can’t use magic, and can’t become undertakers. However, they can become grave-keepers. Grave-keepers protect the living from the deceased who could not pass on the heaven (yet), and also do burials for common people. Their job is very dangerous.
3) ghouls, souls of the deceased that leave the body before they can be sent to heaven. They are very hostile and a danger to humans. Undertakers can still send a ghoul to heaven under the circumstances that it has not been corrupted. A ghoul becomes corrupted if it is hurt too badly, which is why grave-keepers are not supposed to kill ghouls unless necessary.

So far in the story, we know the following main points:
- MC is a mixed-blood between a human and an immortal. We don’t know how or why, but we know his parent(s) abandoned him for being mixed. Mixed-bloods are very uncommon, and are weaker than pure-bloods.
- MC is one of the only survivors (the only we know of, as of now) from the train of apprentice immortals. He is currently being arrested as a suspect for being the murderer.

- FL is called a “princess” by MC, but we aren’t sure if she’s an actual princess. Her family was killed by immortals and she was kidnapped for unknown reasons.
- FL appears to have some sort of “healing” power, and is also able to significantly boost MC’s magic. Maybe she’s a saint of some sort? —> (theory) This could explain why the immortals are after her, since she could be very valuable. Her ability also seems extremely rare, to the point where it’s unheard of.

- Moira was a grave-keeper who hated undertakers and humans. She has a quick temper and sharp mouth, but is a dedicated and good-hearted person. She became a grave-keeper because of her brother’s death (former grave-keeper) and vowed to meet him again, but ends up being killed by his ghoul form. Her dad is also killed in the same tragedy.
- Moira gave her holy silver to MC and FL.
- Moira and her dad likely served as the MC’s turning point / “the tragedy that motivates the MC.” They probably won’t come back.

- There is an immortal going against the church. He is hunting for the FL, likely alongside a group of immortals with similar goals.

- A young boy named Camille from the slums seems kind and offers FL help when she appears alone in the city. However, he seems to be two-faced or has a hidden side. —> (theory) He seemed to be the most beloved in the slums before FL healed a person from his illness. Is he jealous? Did he bring her because he only wanted to appear more kind? Who knows.

Plot is most likely going in the following direction:
- MAIN PLOT (bg): figuring out what FL is and taking down the rebelling immortals.
- SUB PLOT #1 (complete): Moira and the grave-keepers. (MC focused)
- SUB PLOT #2 (in progress): Camille and the slums. (FL focused)

That’s pretty much it. Now you’re up to date :)

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