"the father" are talking about Gaius's dad and not Lerunda's dad? I remember someone else said that this miko's dad went through something similar because he was trying to return to her sister before he died.
And seriously,
THAT'S what happens next?! That's insane and pure bullshit! There are dozens of other things the author could do to get Lerunda to travel beyond the beastman village if he really didn't want to keep her there! And I mean, the way the story is set up makes it sound like the miko should stay in one place if she's happy because then that area will receive her divine blessing in return and the people will prosper for generations. I thought that was what the author wanted, to give the beastman tribe the miko's blessing so they could survive that type of shit and learn they can coexist with some humans. You know, learning to trust one another again just like what Gaius's father dreams about.
And honestly, if the author really wanted, they could just have Lerunda personally witness humans being cruel to the beastmen and then have her give out some divine punishment as retribution. I would personally love to see that more, when a country of slave traders learns not to harm the people the miko cares about. And how they deal with the aftermath of their country being ruined because of what they did. Good karmic justice right there. >