Futoku No Guild - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Impossible Hunt

Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Hita-chan hogging the lewd scenes as usual. And that trash loli getting too much attention as well.
More Hana-chan lewds are necessary.

"... And that would be wrong."
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph That's my most memorable page from the entire series. I just remember that bit completely at random and chuckle to myself, and the rest of it is like "Uh it's been two weeks since I checked this, I forgot everything. What's going on?" I am bad at remembering anything, really useful if you enjoy rereading things, but these particular things just stick really well sometimes too. I can remember every riddle in the very start of Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Undrentide perfectly, for no goddamn reason. Haven't touched the game in over a decade.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
It is quite the memorable one.
Probably second most memorable to me after the infamous Familicide incident.
But yeah, it is a good one to quote, though I usually miss out the "social situations" bit. Because basically any problem of any sort can be rendered null by a big enough explosion.
It is almost as quotable as Schlock Mercenary's Maxims (formerly Habits).

As for Neverwinter Nights, I don't really remember much of Shadows of Undrentide besides Deekin and the weird Kobald-bowl-operated door mechanisms. I never even finished Hordes of the Underdark. I always liked the above-ground parts of NWN better, and found an entire expansion's worth of dungeon more than I could handle.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph Yeah, Hordes of the Underdark had some interesting stuff mechanically speaking, but it was just not very good as a story I think. What was it, just back to back "Yeah, that one wasn't the big bad. It's actually me" developments and none of them was able to really get me invested in stopping this individual. Undrentide wasn't super special in that regard or anything either, but it's probably the best of the three official campaigns. The better stuff Bioware had to contribute for that game was probably in the adventure packs or whatever they were called, I guess. But, Atari dropped the ball on that and stopped them from making more of them I believe. Kinda pulled the same thing for NWN2 later on as well.

Thank god for the community content for both games, it's like the with the more recent Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Whether you think the base game is any good or not, the modding community is the lifeblood of the whole thing after you've played it at least once. They can keep you interested in one of those games for well past the point the game itself could have.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
I never got around to NWN2. And I don't recall modding either to any great extent.
And my experiences with the Elder Scrolls games have taught me that modders can do wonders with anything static, but most quest mods are rather awful. On the whole they tend to be great artists but awful writers. It is kinda unfortunate as I'd generally appreciate more thoughtful game content... but most quest mods end up being painfully monotonous and dull.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph Yeah, that's fair. Most of the mods I enjoyed the most were just gameplay stuff for Skyrim, like Better Vampires or things like that. Both that and Fallout, you want those visual mods, and Fallout just dicking around some really weird ones was always fun, like sticking that one legendary bat from FO4's effect on all melee weapons to just punch dudes into the atmosphere. The best actual story ones are pretty good, but definitely few and far between.

With the Neverwinters, it was often not great either but I mean, the main stories were so mediocre at best that even just a really basic "This is my first time being anything remotely like a DM" mod could end up pretty fun. You could also toss anything up on the internet/LAN utilities in the games to play with other people for that extra D&D feel to it. There was this one persistent world for NWN that I played on for years, friends or low key enemies with all the regulars.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
like sticking that one legendary bat from FO4's effect on all melee weapons to just punch dudes into the atmosphere.
Kek. I remember getting the mod from that really crazy-looking poison machete that gives it a huge flat damage boost and sticking it on a ripper (mini chainsaw). Just hold the button down and run at things to utterly annihilate everything in seconds. The mods for Fallout 4 were pretty awesome... especially the ones that made massive changes to the way the game is played with just a small thing in-game... like that jetpack mod. VATS-sniping from the sky with an overclocked anti-materiel rifle, Tanya von Degurechaff style.
Good times.

There was this one persistent world for NWN that I played on for years, friends or low key enemies with all the regulars.
Sounds nice. I ain't got friends who play the same games as me though. Rarely have had in my lifetime. There were a few years in university where I'd play Vampire the Masquerade Redemption over the halls of residence LAN and just fuck about killing werewolves and police. Ain't exactly had an easy time the few times I played real D&D either. Bad groups.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@The5thSeraph Yeah, I had really good luck with that NWN world and a few years later my World of Warcraft guild I stuck with for until about the second expansion, but neither of those lasted all that long and everyone drifted apart from those groups, I could probably never try playing WoW again without knowing I had a guild that good ready to go first. Mostly a solo player in everything I do nowadays, if you don't luck your way into a good group, you're probably just going to have to deal with all kinds of annoyances.

I can imagine the kinds of D&D groups you might have come across. I never lived in a good place to find people interested in that in person so that was a lost cause years ago, nowadays I could try looking for an online group or something but it goes right back to that having to luck into finding a decent group thing.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
I could probably never try playing WoW again without knowing I had a guild that good ready to go first.
That is the main reason I never bothered with WoW myself. Well, that and when I first had the opportunity, I didn't have the money. I played Guild Wars instead since there was no subscription fee... not that it worked out too well. Had to solo pretty much everything in Guild Wars, and while there are A.I helpers that make it a lot easier, it can't be done for the high end rare farming areas.
The online thing I never had much luck with. Issues of timezones or simply everyone doing their own thing and not wanting anything to do with me. I tried guilds in a few online games, but got booted out or left for one reason or other (either I wasn't online when they wanted me to be so I got booted for inactivity for not being obsessive about group play... OR they just annoyed the hell out of me until I left).
So yeah. The only online games I've ever had any luck with are smaller scale ones like Phantasy Star Online and the Monster Hunter games where it is pretty much 4 players to a lobby (though things have changed in MHW).

I can imagine the kinds of D&D groups you might have come across.
A few sorts. None of them great. Mostly through University, then another group a bit after that. I tried a lot of pen & paper roleplaying but... well. The University groups had no dedication. There would always be one or two missing, or the DM would be absent and the game would be cancelled. I was the only one who didn't have a life outside the club. Then when I tried that roleplaying group after I finished Uni, things just got worse... as those guys were all hardcore power-gamers while I'm more a story-focused sort of guy... and they took to calling me "football bat" (unsubtly hinting that I was useless) and deliberately engineering scenarios to kill off my characters in humiliating ways. I quit that group eventually as I couldn't take it any more. I've not played since.

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