I would find it really great if he just once would introduce himself with his class "Heavenly Knight" or what is was ...... just to see how the world would react towards it, because I doubt they know about it.
In chapter 25 he was told to name himself such by the elves via a messenger bird because having an affiliation would go a long way.
Iirc, in the LN, the summoner class can only use one summon at a time, so the time-stop summon just buys time. Because he can use multiple classes' skills, it allows him to spam magic for those 3 minutes.
Lmao, a 3 minute god mode summon. 3 seconds, there are games that have those. but 3 minutes? It's like a half assed cheat that couldn't decide whether it wants to go full time cheat.
> But it's only 3 minutes
Yeah, because 3 minutes of unlimited mana and HP isn't busted in raids. Give that to a black mage and see how meteors keep falling everywhere.