oh and that Korean wa ahem "police action" and Bosnia, Cyprus, Lebanon, the Congo, Rhodesia, east Timor etc etc the only time they cant get anything resolved is when one of the veto members on the security council has a vested interest in making sure something isn't done and are willing to bear the collateral that comes with going against the flow still i think the angle to go with in this case would be the USA the Russians and the Chinese all ganging up to use the UN to try and pressure japan into letting the UN in and by extension the USA Russia and china ageing that it was an attack by a what is effectively an alien force and therefore an attack on humanity and their fore a matter for the international comity and the UN to deal with while japan argues what they have in the manga that since the gate connects there land to the other side that therefore the land on the other side is and always was technically Japanese and that any attack by another nation on that land would be tantamount to an attack on japan deserving an appropriate response