Geist x Revenant: Kusozako Mob na Ore wa, Aibou no Seirei o Bishoujo ni Shinka Sasete Saikyou ni! - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
EDIT: also forgot that the title spoiler of Gobubi being evolved into, apparently, a sexy goblin girl is kind of lame and disappointing, though I will reserve final judgement for when we actually get there. I kind of like cute little Gobubi, while senpai girl is present to be the eye candy. That said if Gobubi ends up looking like Gobuko from Peter Grill I won't exactly complain because Gobuko is best girl in that nonsense avalanche of a series and you can't convince me otherwise)

Check chapter 1 of this series again, they already showed her evolved form.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2023
I hate to see you drop this. I've always found your editing to be really well done. For my own curiosity is there a reason? Anyway to talk you out of it?
this series writing is garbage mind u.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
The plot of the series itself is kind of iffy in an extremely strongly cliched and "it has a great premise that it utterly wastes so that it can be so aggressively and predictably mediocre" sort of way, but it's enjoyable enough, especailly now that we're back to the MC and Senpai girl interacting (the fact that she's positive and supportive and he's being honest with her in return is a lot more than you can say for similar series).

Also I think that the translator is doing a very good job considering this is MTL, especially when you compare it to other MTL and single-person-TL-group works out there. I'd hate to see you drop this, especially if another group of equal or better quality doesn't come along.

Though honestly if we're now like 2 months out from the last chapter I'd start wondering if it was axed or is on hiatus or something. I can't think of many series that go less frequently than every other month unless the mangaka has some serious clout (Kiyohiko Azuma's success with Azumanga Daioh basically letting him publish Yotsuba&! on a schedule of "whenever inspiration strikes", for example)

EDIT: also forgot that the title spoiler of Gobubi being evolved into, apparently, a sexy goblin girl is kind of lame and disappointing, though I will reserve final judgement for when we actually get there. I kind of like cute little Gobubi, while senpai girl is present to be the eye candy. That said if Gobubi ends up looking like Gobuko from Peter Grill I won't exactly complain because Gobuko is best girl in that nonsense avalanche of a series and you can't convince me otherwise)
I can't believe peter grill got an anime
Aggregator gang
Jul 20, 2018
Sooooo, no punishment for the chick that trapped him?
It'd be really hard to. Little to no actual proof/evidence she did anything other than MC's word, which means it becomes a he said she said scenario. Girl is popular and well liked while MC is outcast and hated, it's a forgone conclusion that other people will side with the girl (the exception of Sakuya senpai siding with MC).
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Check chapter 1 of this series again, they already showed her evolved form.

I had forgotten all about that. So she's a loli and not even green anymore. But they still have to give her a sexy outfit with short shorts and a crop top with heavy miko stylings. That's... a choice. And boo, mangaka. Green girls are cute too. It's like that Cave King one where they use the weird evolution stone on the goblin princess or whatever she is and she "evolves" into a teenage form that looks entirely like a human girl with a generic anime human skin tone. Or if we wanna stretch it further, that reverse isekai manga about the guy from the assassin family who gets found by the otherworld elf princess and after a few chapters she uses magic to make her elf features disappear (mostly the pointy ears) and from there on she looks entirely human. I'm always annoyed that generic manga cuteness is so tightly clustered on this very specific idea of a petite-ish girl with silky black hair in a hime cut, no strong quirky features, a generically svelte/non-curvy body, and being as vanilla as possible. And I'm not even saying I need the opposite of all of those things at once, just not all those things at the same time all the time (or most of the time)

sorry, I kinda got off on a tangent there, lol.

I can't believe peter grill got an anime

It did? Wow, that seems like it'd be hell to do if it's not aired super late at night on a cable channel with no content expectations, or mostly for home media release.

I haven't really kept up with it since it stopped updating on Mangadex after it was licensed. Which has mostly been fine and a non-issue for me because the more it went on the more it became clear that there was little chance of it getting any sort of real progression beyond "lol harem" and most of the harem girls were unlikable selfish idiots or jerks aside from Gobuko, who legitimately seemed like the only one that actually liked Peter for appreciable reasons and not just for his power or prestige or silly reasons. Also her monster girl styled design was hot. :D
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
Damn last chap was in May?
Should we tag this as "hiatus" perhaps?
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May 7, 2018

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