Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou ~Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan!~ - Ch. 7 - My Sister is the Villainess

Jul 24, 2020
After uploading! I noticed I failed to mention few important thing! Was This readable?
And other when you see names of characters you can notice it is different from before! It was not my plan! I intend to go back and what previous group given the names and use them at last! But I
Do not have more time , today my deployment start ( they pack us like luggage in track, oh god I hate my job , I will be Missing my 20th birthday too) so as I mentioned before 3 individuals offer to proofread, I couldn't even contact them to proofread ! I am sorry! Well it will redone by the new group so no worries actually! Bye for now I will read the comments in night if you can give further information too improve!

Edit- I know it's 3/4 days late but let me express my thanks for the supporting comments in this chapter too ! I couldn't really before I was too busy ! I only got to read Akebi and Rosten saga in these days !(Akebi is peak watch/read it , if you already haven't) I will really like to complain in labour unions ,who or UN whatever thereare my human right is getting violated they feed those brick slabs in name of food! Only 4h sleep and no offtime except essential! I may pray to god that my superiors never get leg 🍗 in KFC!

Well joking aside it was surprising to see how many people was shocked that I improve a little, I mean asked for advise then it's already means if somebody give advice I will take to heart and try to improve. Isn't that how it works?

Well aside from that I never thought that it will be so awkward to comment on a translation you already did , done a another group, I mean I read it ,was obviously better, so I just wanted express that , well it was so awkward that I needed do a rain check!

See you all chapter 8 ! Hopefully I too will be returning to my normal day life rather than this hell!
CC Wild Words will be your friend. It's the "standard" TL font. I do like your experimentation with other fonts for stress/anger/etc. This was a way better effort and your improvement shows. Thanks.

Edit: Dangit you're stopping. Don't quit translating though, there's a world of manga out there in need of some love. RMV! Ronray Major Victory!
Last edited:
Jun 10, 2024
If you see I have already mentioned in C6's comment section, that I too noticed this shadow problem, I stopped doing since 10 or pages! And today was readable?
Didn't see, but it was way more readable that before. Still a couple of places where the text size is a little too small, but now I'm just nitpicking. And as always, thanks for scanlating!
Jun 10, 2024
It does have a reasonably higher screen resolution,I think,so it becomes a pay to win issue instead of a skill issue.

But yes,the fancy must stay,more so too the fun colour highlights.
Soo, I was talking about ch.6 and posted my comment on ch.7...
I may be a tad dumb.:nyoron:
But yea, it's probably a screen resolution issue, just tested it on my laptop and when I set the screen resolution to be the about the same as on my phone(1280p x 720p), I was just almost unreadable, even with my laptops bigger screen. I'm gonna edit so it actually says which chapter I'm talking about, 'scuse me!

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