Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou ~Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan!~ - Ch. 8 - Conflicting Thoughts And Wishes

Dec 30, 2023
The problem, as someone else already pointed out, is that Serina is basically still too much focused on the whole thing as if it was mainly "the plot of the game", she doesnt "need to read the room" bc to her there is probably no need to read it bc she knows the "future"

In a sense, yeah she is an asshole, airhead and honestly, quite arrogant...
When she's setting up gags, it's definitely funnier when you know there's a wink behind the unfiltered word vomit. But I think the author deleted the wink in this chapter and just set Serina up to barge in and say pointlessly tactless things in order to advance the plot. I think that we want to be more generous and read more into it than there really is, just a dumb plot device. It's not like they couldn't have found a more creative way to do it.

The whole 'game' plot element has basically withered anyways, Serina isn't using any normie knowledge or planning. It's becoming a standard magic school manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Well... yes, Amelia, you are the one in the wrong...
Why would anyone think "I will make you happy" means getting married?
There are much more than just together in making someone else happy.
especially when both are of the same sex...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
Ok, this post is becoming a nightmare in length so i have to actually separate it into Spoiler bricks for people to not go insane.

To Serina avoiding the game's bad ending for her Lady is giving her happiness because it isn't the worst case scenario, but she never considered if that would lead to Amelia being happy about it. We don't know how exactly she was portrayed in the game but since it was the PoV of the Heroine and not Amelia it probably would not show her in a very good light. It probably never went into that Amelia is just a super serious and strict person who actually only wants to marry the prince out of a sense of duty rather than actual love and she only reprimanded the heroine in the most technically correct way she could.

Serina needs to realise that her Lady Amelia is not the same person as the one in the game. What Amelia truly wants is probably very much different than what game Amelia wants.
So Far, we have not seen anything that doesnt contradict Serina being the Tutorial Friend character in the videogame, that anything about Almelia has actually changed. However Estelle is aware that Almelia is gay for Serina, where as in the game Serina is much more of a reserved person and isnt intentionally seeking out Estella to progress the narrative.

However in the game, when this meeting of Fiancées happens, Serina is reassigned to the estate and no longer is accessible during the game.

But where as Noble Serina is someone that Almelia had a crush on, until Serina said what is correct in the moment but not in their relationship, Almelia loves, and cannot live without, Gyaru Serina.
Aside from what toapat and DarkeLourd said, chapter 4 and 5 also show some glimpses of Serina's low self-esteem
Good news, it looks like i needed a new "Serina is way more complex then you think" post.

Combining response here because a huge amount of it goes into the technical analysis of Who Serina actually is:

Now we can see how the comic relief "obliviousness" can actually fuck everything up in an instance. Hopefull MC will learn from this but i highly doubt it. At least there are characters in-universe who are aware of the clusterfuck she just caused like the heroine.
Almelia is a very awkward girl who is extremely easy to misread as cruel when she just wants to come off as a stoic authority.
Almelia is an awkward girl who is guaranteed to come off as cruel because shes been abused into fearing the repercussions of acting in any way besides as a stoic authority. She falls in love with Serina because the Gyaru ditz is seemingly INVULNERABLE to criticism, open about herself and her emotions and flaws, and observant enough to understand the difference between discipline and severity while also not holding anything of that difference against Almelia.


Serina's Gyaru Obfuscating stupidity is a mask to maintain composure. We've seen that Serina is observant, but now we can accurately identify that shes a highly inflexible person, who requires a plan for any interaction to overcome her personal insecurities.

What we have actually seen the real Serina to be is someone who has quite literally lost everything. Shes been Isekai'd but she is originally an outgoing person who had lots of buddies and maybe even a few friends, a caring family, and the near infinite horizon of the internet as mechanisms to support herself. But that woman died, lost everything and everyone she cared about, and struck rock bottom so hard it cracked, dropping her into a new Universe. And where every Manga, Anime, and Novel will tell you that getting Isekai'd is something special, and you will be able to achieve legends within the newfound infinite horizon of potential you were cast upon, this woman found herself as the baby Serina Flamel, a poor baroness who has barely enough magical capability to cast a single fireball, after which she will be physically and mentally crippled for a few hours at least.

Its getting to the point where i dont know if Serina even knows who she is anymore, if hiding behind the Gyaru Armor is all she knows about herself. Or is it the blade she wields to manipulate and guide Almelia out of her dark fate. I cant tell because weve only gotten glimpses of who Serina actually is when shes vulnerable, as weve only seen it when she was moping after private sparring previously and her crippling impostor syndrome when she monologued about how her mastery of the arcane is literally impossible within this world. We dont know if she was just legitimately Hannibal Lecturing the inferior mortals around her, or if she was trying to psych herself up in a world constructed by her dieing mind in her final moments, where nothing is real and she is powerless about the ultimate outcome.

The only thing im really certain of in this scene though, is that Estelle in game, and by extension Gyaru Serina, are not aware of the aftermath of the clash of Fiancées at the end of this chapter. Noble Serina was likely expelled in retaliation by Almelia for betraying Almelia's infatuation, where as Almelia has come to love the mask that is Gyaru Serina. Since Game Estella never saw Almelia become truly depressed, Gyaru Serina doesnt have a perspective of just how much she just hurt her master.

Edit: ill go get page numbers if people want them but today sucks for me so my traditional "reread everything each time a chapter comes out" has been suspended so far
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
When she's setting up gags, it's definitely funnier when you know there's a wink behind the unfiltered word vomit. But I think the author deleted the wink in this chapter and just set Serina up to barge in and say pointlessly tactless things in order to advance the plot. I think that we want to be more generous and read more into it than there really is, just a dumb plot device. It's not like they couldn't have found a more creative way to do it.

The whole 'game' plot element has basically withered anyways, Serina isn't using any normie knowledge or planning. It's becoming a standard magic school manga.
Serina isnt a Flowchart style planner, she doesnt have a dozen contingencies for any given situation. you can see shes only been identifying the next Game Event and attempting to manipulate it in Estella or Almelia's favor.

So far shes been accidentally convincing the love interests that Almelia is a Sadist and she herself is a masochist. which tbf, Serina is, she hasnt broken under her own suffering and can still lie to Estella's face that shes happy despite what weve seen.
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2023
Royal McDick: "It's because of other people that I suck balls."
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the mf that's going to be king. Wth did they teach him? "The most effective way to annoy your subjects and revolution RTA"?

I'd just realized how much scattered brain our maid is. She's 30-ish in mental age. (isekai'd when she was a JK then about the same length as "peasant" here).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2023
I actually don’t understand what Serina did wrong. Can someone explain?
Because Serina sometimes doesn't stop to think how people interpret what she says, her words have led Almelia to think that maybe Serina has the hots for her; combined with Serina being about the only person who treats Almelia with actual kindness instead of self-serving platitudes or back-handed compliments, this is making Almelia develop a major crush on Serina in return

So now that Serina says she wants Almelia to marry the prince, Almelia is basically interpreting it as Serina saying "lol u seriously thought I loved you?"; her lashing out like that is Almelia feeling angry and betrayed that Serina has seemingly been stomping on her feelings the whole time

As others have pointed out, this happens because Serina is still seeing her new life as part of the game instead of a real world with real people, and fails to realize that the Almelia she saw in the game was a "static" Almelia seen thorugh the eyes of the game's version of Estelle and bound to the game's plot-driven choices, both of which no longer apply

Then again, Almelia is just as guilty for projecting her own feelings without expressing herself clearly, which in turn is the fault of her own upbringing

And luckily for both, Almelia seems at least somewhat aware of this
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
Well... yes, Amelia, you are the one in the wrong...
Why would anyone think "I will make you happy" means getting married?
There are much more than just together in making someone else happy.
especially when both are of the same sex...
I'm not fluent in Japanese nor am I a linguist or anything, but I've read enough manga to pick up on the fact that the Japanese language can be maddeningly indirect when it comes to love. A lot of cliche romcom lines are actually indirect complements, "I love you"s, or marriage proposals. Making a promise to somebody that implies or assumes you'll be a part of their life for a very long time like that is often one of those indirect confessions or proposal.

(A similar indirect marriage proposal you might have seen in more domestic romcoms is one character saying how they'd love to make miso soup for/eat miso soup made by their partner for breakfast every day.)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
It’s sad because it’s not even Serina’s fault. Like, all she wants to do is support her favourite girl, like a fan with an idol. But she didn’t take account of Amelia being so emotionally abused and stunted that the smallest form of kindness is seen, in her perspective, as some kind of affection.

This is also a thing in real life, specifically with males. A difficult thing to juggle for guys is when someone shows them kindness, it does not mean they’re in love with them.
Yeah, because a guy trying to reciprocate a girl's kindness/affection towards him, regardless of her current relationship with him, can be a total 'ick' moment for her, and the blunt rejection could destroy him. What's worse than that are guys' feelings being manipulated by women through their 'kindness' when in reality they're toxic bitches who only want things their way.

The age-old advice of 'just be honest with your feelings with him' will not work with today's men as their hearts have been put through the wringer enough that women's words most of the time mean next to nothing to them. For the sake of their own happiness and mental health, they have to be wary of a woman's 'kindness' and advances so they don't get screwed over on what follows up from getting involved with them. Kind of like how the nobility in this world have to be wary of others' flattery as their means of getting on their good sides.

Despite how bad Almelia's situation is, I kind of like seeing that issue that's usually aimed towards men is being used in the other way for a change.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2023
I think you're confusing basic situational awareness with 3D chess.
its called Literary analysis. Nor did i claim Serina is trying to play 3d, 4d, or 5d chess. I said shes basically winging it by heading to events she shouldnt be in.
Active member
Sep 13, 2024
Damn, I feel sorry for the kingdom if that prince takes over. He's clearly just wants to flaunt his ego and be at the center of attention. He's willing to ignore good advice, and even ostracize or reject anyone that could threaten his spotlight.
It doesn't matter if the other person is doing the right thing out of the goodness of their heart and not expecting anything in return. Instead of bettering himself, he would be the type to get rid of all the talented and good people around him, and just leave himself surrounded by yes-man. Without caring about the damage to his kingdom.

That said, Serina, you could do well to think before speaking or cutting into other peoples conversation. You really deserved some punishment for that. Hope this will teach you a lesson or two.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
I actually don’t understand what Serina did wrong. Can someone explain?
Serina (internal): Time to secure a happy ending for the villainess!
Serina (external): You two should get married and make lots of babies!
Almelia (internal): But I want YOU to bear my babies! :meguuusad:
Alt ending:
Almelia (internal): But I want to bear YOUR babies! :meguuusad:

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