She used a SA allegation to force MC to be her obedient closet. So.....
People do crazy things all the time

But, being serious, yes the manga started off with her doing some insane-o unethical shit. Although I don't think it's as simple as "all's well that ends well," you have to keep in mind that it's fiction, and not only fiction, but a type of comedy manga where the level of caricature and abstraction is upped compared to more grounded fiction where psychology and consequence are more unforgiving. We're talking about a medium where murderous yanderes have been around for the longest time, as have physically abusive tsunderes. Where characters such as Bon Clay who slaughtered people en masse are considered redeemed because they happen to be homies. There are so many unethical things that happen in manga (and fiction in general) that are considered endearing or swept under the rug and not acknowledged. Part of me thinks that the reason people can't take these kind of fictional scenario at face value is because they can't separate them from real life politics and enjoy them for what they are in a world of caricature where consequences are not the same.
Anyway I like her and am rooting for her and that's that.