Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1 - Akito Shirosawa

Sep 26, 2018
@1059212: kids can bully each other without a reason, and this one has a big reason to be avoided: he will secretly film you, then show it in front of the entire school with no warning beforehand. you can jerk off to that, but would you ever feel safe near that guy? knowing that he could watch your every action, capture it on film, and then just randomly show it to everyone else - for no other reason than "for the lulz"?
not to mention 2 people lose their careers for that.

people can enjoy your "work" in private, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will like you, and they will never risk their own reputation and social standing to be seen as "your friend" in the public by the teacher or other students, let alone step up to protect you from these bullying.. I won't write death threat on his desk, but I will want absolutely nothing to do with that guy; and quite frankly i don't care if he get bullied. And if you think uploading porn of your teacher/boss/fellow students is a fast way to boost your popularity - go ahead, make my day.
Active member
Mar 5, 2020
So 2 Teachers boning is the scandal of the century? How delusional can one be? lmao
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
@gunnybunny You realize that teachers and students don't put themselves into the same category right? Just because some teachers get exposed for having sexy times in the office doesn't mean that students would fear the same thing happening to them especially if they aren't the type to bone each other in school in the first place. That's a sizable leap in logic. Like this isn't anything new my dude. Maybe if the video was just of the mc peeping on a teacher taking a dump you'd have a point but the fact that he caught two teachers doing something raunchy that they shouldn't have been doing would only earn him points amongst his fellow students. It's not complicated dude.
Mar 31, 2019
@1059212 Facts, if a guy did that in high school he would at the very least be GOATED by all the boys in the school. Maybe it's different for a Japanese high school though.
Nov 9, 2020
if you are prepared to kill be prepared to die also its simple logic if you like each other just tell you current partner that you like someone else because you will hurt them even more when they will learn that what you did while fooling them
Double-page supporter
Mar 21, 2019
Yeah all these comments run along the same lines as me...people at my high school would've have made this guy into a legend not ostracize him
Sep 26, 2018
@1059212: he did it for the lulz.. you think he will stop just because his targets are some random students and not a teacher? Like, if that two upper-classmen having sex, he will be like "understandable, have a nice day" and stop filming? and just because you are not the type that having sex at school (or just having sex in the first place), are you truly safe? Can you be so sure that you have never done anything stupid, never say anything that will get you into a lot of trouble, never have any secret side/hobby that you don't want anyone to know? Think about the most stupid thing you have done (or the biggest secret) in your school days, and then imagine that someone managed to film it, found it hilariously stupid/will cause a shitstorm, and decided to share with their friends or posted it on FB for like?

and again, don't mistake your "popularity" with "people love you". Just think of all the leaked celebrities's nude photos/sex clips - it may spread like wildfire on the internet, but when the higher up get involved (like the school, the police, or the press) and they find the culprit, he won't receive a hero fanfare or anything. The side that hate his action will openly criticize and condemn him, the side that "like" his action will just keep a low profile, and you will be hard-pressed to find anyone that is willing to voice their support on social media platform like FB or Twitter..
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
@gunnybunny It doesn't matter why he did it or what his motivations were. The fact is that it's ridiculous to think that a bunch of immature, bored, teacher hating, high school students would ostracize one of their own due to him managing to expose and embarrass 2 teachers for doing something they shouldn't have been doing in the first place. And the idea that he'd go around stalking and filming everybody is silly as well.
And where did you get the "people love you" part from. We're just saying that he wouldn't have gotten ostracized by his students for what he did in reality.
Sep 26, 2018
@1059212: 1. and that bunch of "immature, bored, teacher-hating" high school students are also perfectly capable of bullying someone for no real reason. And here we have an easy target that already received quite some hate to begin with (and can't really ask the teacher for help), and if that bullying reaches a critical mass, people who don't particularly hate him will join in just to "fit in" with the rest or, again, just for the lulz of it. He will be seen as the stepping stone for many to increase their own social standing, so why not?
Even the one who doesn't join in will just stay away from it: and when the "majority" decide to be silent, then the bully will have free reign to do whatever the f they want.

2. again, he got bored and decided to do something spicy - the 2 teachers are simply the ones available at that moment. if these happen to be 2 students boning each other, you think he will leave them alone? and it's funny how you call "he'd go around stalking and filming everybody is silly" when he just, again, did exactly that (following these 2 teachers from the gate to the teacher room and then filming them).

3. And where did you get the "people love you" part from - from people calling him "legendary", of course. You just go from the active "students will call him a legend" to the passive "students won't bully him" - that's a significant drop.

and let be honest here, you only call him a legend because it was porn, and you are horny as f.. If what he film is a bunch of immature students joking around using slurs and dirty words, and his action lead to 2 of them getting expell for 2 week, you won't call him a legend.. You will call him a snitch, because that's what he really is..
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
1. Yeah they're perfectly capable of bullying for no real reason. That doesn't mean they'll bully someone they've got a reason to like. Exposing teachers can literally only increase your standing with other students. So the idea that you'd get bullied more after doing what he did makes no sense.
2. But that'd require 2 students to be boning each other in school in the first place. That's not something most kids would have to fear being caught doing. And dude, he stalked them because he caught sight of 2 teachers making out at school. It's not like he followed them randomly for no reason.
3. Now you're just making stuff up. My argument was never "they'd call him a legend". All i said was that the idea that his fellow students would turn on him for what he did was ridiculous. Idk where you got the legend thing from.
4. Yeah because there's nothing entertaining or interesting about snitching on your students using slurs or dirty words? Not to mention you're snitching on fellow students and not teachers. Completely different scenario.
Sep 26, 2018
@1059212: 3. yup, my bad - there a shit ton of comment said "he'll become a legend in my school" that I mistake your with someone else. I should have read your original comment more carefully, but the wording "We're just saying" in the reply, as well as the fact that 3 out of 4 comments between your reply and mine is about "legendary" gives me the impression that you guys is in the same camp, hence my mistake. sorry about that.

2. and the fact that two teachers making out is HIS business because? he saw them at the school gate (while he himself standing on the 2nd/3rd floor), rushed to the ground floor to follow them, watched them make out and undressing each other, and then started filming at the sex part. I think it's best for us to agree that actively stalking someone and filming their action (and then show it to the whole school) is a creepy as f behavior.

1. i think this is your tarpit: you treat the student body as a united front against the teacher, instead of a collection of many small ingroups that treat other groups as outsiders (with teachers are even further away). Each group has a different relationship with the teacher, with some (like the academic group) try to remain in the teacher good side, some are hostile, and most will just ignore them - they care about dealing with ever-present other student groups, not with the distance teachers.
here is what i think will happen to our "hero", based on my own experience as a highschool guy in an East Asian country.
a. he will receive special attention from the teacher, and everyone will be aware of that. Not only it makes people keeping a safe distance from him (to avoid the teacher's attention), it's more or less greenlit all the bully happen after that.
b. at the same time, some student groups will start considering him to be a creep. It will become worse as the actual information is murky, and they don't exactly know his side of the story, only the fact that he filmed the teacher in secret, and then showed it to the whole school. Rumors started to spread; and since the hero is away for 2 weeks, these rumors could get as crazy as they want to be. More and more groups will move to the "he's a creep"camp.
c. come the bully group. They are ashole in the true sense: they may benefit from you in the past, but if they find an opportunity to put you down to increase their social standing, they will do that. Mind you, by this point, a sizable (not necessary majority) part of the student (especially the girls) somewhat disapproves of the hero's action (thinking that it was too far), so the bullying does have their passive acceptance. The cold shoulder from the teacher, and the fact that everyone else try to practice their social distancing from the hero, meaning he has no one to back him up (or even somewhere to retreat to). He is the perfect target, and with no real pushback, the bullying will escalate.
d. at one point, the bullying will become normal, and the goal post is shifted from "should we approve his action?" to "should we stop bully him to THAT extent?".. a critical mass is achieved, and some neutral actors will join in the bullying trend to increase their own standing, while other will have even more reason to stay away.
e. after a while, the bullying will fall out of trend and die out (through not completely). But by that point, the hero is already an outcast, and no one will break the taboo placed on him.

4. If the deciding factor of whether something is acceptable or not is whether it "entertaining or interesting" for you (and not the motive or the cost inflicted on the parties involved), or the fact that it was inflicted on one specific group of people and not the other, then i think I've really wasted my time with this "argument".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
whats with movie directors having a shirt or sweater wrapped around their shoulders
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
1. Its not his business. That's not the point. You're acting like high school students would care about their teacher's privacy more then being entertained.
2. Idk maybe it's different in Asian schools, though i doubt it, but in my experience there is a rift between students and teachers. Not so much where one side would actively encourage the misfortune of others but also not small enough where most students would get angry on a teacher's behalf especially when the teachers were doing something wrong in the first place. You seem to be making even more assumptive claims about the behavior of students then me though again, that may just be because Asain schools are different.
4. Again it's not about what is "morally" acceptable. Teenagers usually aren't the epitome of morality. And it's undeniable that they would respond differently between something happening to a teacher and the same thing happening to a fellow student. As for this argument being a waste of time? I won't deny that.
Double-page supporter
Oct 23, 2020
I have complicated feelings about the Mc. His personality has much potential yet he's filming affairs and etc. If you're into movies and bored try to be a movie director like your dad instead of ruining lives
Double-page supporter
Dec 10, 2018
Main character is a creeper. Not cool. If two adults wanna bang, then who is anyone to say otherwise. Main character should be arrested.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
Lol, if that was my school, they would be calling him a champion. They wouldnt be bullying him out.

Also remember kids, its not peeping if you dont get caught. So yes, he was peeping.

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