Hana Wants This Flower to Bloom! - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Chapter 12

Apr 25, 2020
Well... I think most of the things were already said but in any case it was still a good read. I think that if Hana had rejected him (or if there was a better build up) I would have thought it was a really good story but it feels like the author hadn't quite planned the ending well and had to write it quickly before the deadline (like most my essays). I still had a good time, and reading OneGarbageGal's and everyone's comments has been especially enjoyable for some reason so thank you for the journey and thank you sooo much for the amazing translations at every chapter. Looking forward to your next project!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
I liked the ending it felt like it fit the story.
If anything if there was an omake with their daily life together or if there was more build up it wouldnt have been so bad. Not the worst ending to a relatively short story
May 26, 2018
@satansslut669 i read the first chapter and was pleasantly surprised to see another great series by you and your group. after falling in love with Sesame Salt and Pudding, I'm really glad I got to binge read a similar series! I look forward to your future translations!
Sep 9, 2019
@Satansslut669 Firstly, thank you very much for translating! I am forever grateful to angels such as yourself who use up their free time to translate and post these series. Sending you lots of love from the bottom of my heart.

THIS is a really good assessment that I haven’t seen many talking about. People who have similar desires in life usually have better/more stable relationships (though, sometimes *certain* personality differences are fine). Plus, long distance is a whole other beast.

I am a very rational person, even when I'm in love (and I am by the way~ in love, I mean). I believe that feelings aren't enough to make a relationship last and evolve. The way I see it, besides BOTH parties affectionate feelings, it's also important to know yourself and your own shortcomings and also the other person's, to be able to somehow predict and measure your compatibility with them (even more so when you're already at a certain age which you have the desire to settle down and make a family). Nobody's perfect, but knowing what you want and what you don't want in a partner is quite crucial to determine whether you should persevere or not in a certain relationship on the long run (having this mindset helps avoiding unnecessary drama and heartbreak, trust me). With that being said.... It's essential to be able to tell apart which shortcomings should and should not be overlooked.

In this story's case, for example, if I were Hana, even if I acknowledged that the ML's very dense, careful, awkward or whatever personality-wise, I would never have initiated a relationship with him, even if I did like him. She confessed to him twice already and was instantly rejected both times. He decided to leave for Germany without a second thought. Even then, he never contacted her. When he came back temporarily, he only saw her because someone else happened to invite him to visit her (it was never his own action, it was purely by chance. Otherwise, I 100% doubt he would have moved a finger to come in contact with her again). He saw her boarding the bus to go on a trip with her boyfriend (usually, trips with boyfriends imply sex, more so when it comes to the japanese culture) and still, he ended up not really saying anything and letting her go. His every action (or the lack of it) screams that he does not really care about her. When he confessed all of a sudden, it sounded shallow and impulsive. It's a recipe for heartbreak. This guy never met her halfway, not even once, and this is an extremely serious and unacceptable shortcoming of his (or plain lack of interest). Like many others pointed out, he just doesn't deserve her. Hana should have tried her best with the omiai nameless guy. Aaah, such regret... If this was a real life story, after dating for less than 6 months and breaking up, Hana would probably become an old maid, she doesn't seem to have a good eye for men.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
@Satansslut669 By no mean I didn't enjoy this manga. And the hugggeee part of it is thanks to you picking it up in the first place AND translating it sooo well!

So the part on story progress and the character development, it might have been from a lot of sources: the author, the editor, the publisher, the readers in Japan, etc. I still think it's a decent story. Most of us would share the sentiments that Sunmoon and Hana shouldn't have ended up together. At the same time, I ask myself, what if this happens in real life somewhere? What if we are being idealistic? But also what if we are... true? Cause this troupe of "the guy being stiff and clueless, does hurtful things, but still gets the girl at the end" are all over the place. I'm not especially mad because this was, in my opinion, still with good execution :D

Thank you for your reflection and reader care hehe. Sail on my girl!
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Ya gurl this story being anticlimactic is totally not your fault, it's the author. I really thank your efforts for working on this story!

I usually read manga here to see if it's worth my money to buy the book, so if the ending / story goes to shit I rethink buying it lol. Thanks for all your beautiful work!
Nov 30, 2019
This comment section is the BEST!
I LOVE reading everyone's thoughts. Not gonna say a thing about the end cuz all was said here loool Well, he blushed at least 😂

GARBAGE GAL otsukareeeee!
I respect you a looot! I mean, how can one person bring us such high quality translations!!! I've enjoyed reading all the manga you translated so far💕
Sep 16, 2019
thank you so much for your hard work and completing this series! 😁

i did enjoy this story at first but the wishy washy behavior of the ML irritated me to no end. and his sudden "love" for the MC felt like it came outta nowhere and only happened because she had moved on and was dating someone else.... MEHHHH. i would have liked this a lot more if she had rejected him and the entire message being that "fated love" is not always something that's true to life.
Mar 23, 2020
@Satansslut669 Yeah, finishing something first before committing to a translation sounds like a good idea. ^^;; This series felt like an experiment that didn't pan out -- maybe the author hadn't really figured out how the ending would take shape until they got to that point, and by then there hadn't been enough development. I liked the slice-of-life aspect of it, and I think that might be one of the author's strengths, though maybe they're not so great at laying down the foundations for an overarching love story. (Haven't read their other work so I don't really know.)

In spite of all the comedy and lightheartedness, sometimes this reminded me of those meandering literary novels that have romantic subplots, but are ultimately about something else entirely. I suppose part of the disappointment is that maybe the author was going for something that didn't truly fit the romance manga mold, and at the last minute they had to make it fit because that was what they were expected to do. I figure I would have easily accepted a non-romantic conclusion to this (they were just friends, they never met again, etc) if it weren't supposed to be a romance manga.
Apr 28, 2020
This is the best comment section i have ever seen on this website. I love these discussions and hearing what everyone thought about the story. I don't really have much so say since everything has been said already in the previous analysis.

Thank you @Satansslut669 for translating this story and taking the time out to reply to everyone! We will forever be grateful for the work that you do.
Group Leader
Sep 21, 2020
It’s all good like damn but they kinda messed up the ending it’s like any typical ending where things get rushed and boom ending. But it was a good read. Thanks for translations!
Oct 19, 2020
I didn’t expect that the story ended just like that. Quite disappointed too just like the other readers. And for me I expected that maybe it is good because somehow Sesame Salt and Pudding did a very unusual plot and ending which I figure that this too may have that kind setup. But no, it wrecked my expectation hahaha.

Now this one had ended, will surely anticipate for your next trans project. As always, thank you @satansslut669 for giving us your recommended mangas and giving time to translate it. Looking forward for more projs from you in future 🥰
Aggregator gang
Apr 11, 2020
I kinda wanted more of the relationship, we spent all this time on the chase but almost none on the actual relationship......but what can we do?

Okay after reading through this chapter again, I realized that this is a fitting ending for this story, at least for me. Takaya never truly felt like he could meet her in the middle, and he only truly realized he liked Iroha when she was going on a trip (presumably involving sex) with Mr. Nameless even though she had confessed twice, he found out she was his mystery blogger, and he admitted that he liked her attitude towards life (he would have thought about his feelings towards her at least once right?). So honestly it seems like in 6 months they'll break up (especially with long-distance dating).

So my canon to this story is that Iroha will find someone who is willing to meet her halfway and Takaya can live the life he wants (he's giving me some mad ace vibes )

Thank you for the translations, @Satansslut669!

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