Hazure Skill [Mapping] wo Te ni Shita Shonen ha Saikyou Party to Dungeon ni Idomu

Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
pfft he never got curious enough to find out that his skill is the only one able to map inside those special dungeons?

@Kikaibaka Not the characters of the type "I don't get them"~
it can't be that, welp. (reply)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Spoiler Warning
It sounds worse than it actually is, she liked Note better when he DEPENDED on her. She never once saw him as an equal party member even before they got their skills. They grew up together and he was essentially her follower in the guise of a friend. The split between them happened because he just flat out gave up and never once tried to BETTER himself once they actually left because he was stuck in a negative spiral about his skill being useless. He did it in part because he didn't want to hold her back anymore, but moreso so he could wallow in his own misery. When she comes back and sees a MUCH MUCH more confident Note(best girl Neme shines here) who has seemingly completely overcome his negativity she gets upset and wants to prove to Note that he's weak and will always be weak(because SHE needs him to be weak) Their relationship was "good" before finding out their skills, but it was always twisted from the start and the skills just made it worse. So she wants to duel Note to prove skills > hard work and she gets absolutely trounced by Note, realizes her twisted feelings and just WHY she got so mad at him being happy and needed in his party. They can never go back to being partners after this no, but they do return to being amicable with each other which is why she declares she is his rival and will beat him to the bottom of the dungeon first(in order to complete their dream of becoming great adventurers) So while the chance of romance between them is essentially zero, they do gain a semblance of friendship back following the conclusion of the duel.
Jun 8, 2019
Tried reading this. On the first chapter and I am already facepalming at the author's sheer stupidity.

MC gets an auto mapping skill, which is considered "useless". Uh, hello? Less than 10 minutes on google would tell you how valuable having a perfectly accurate map is INVALUABLE for anyone exploring. People like Columbus and Cortez would have gladly paid ANY PRICE to get someone with a mapping skill on their voyages.

"You can just buy maps"....wow, really? Where do these maps come from? From people manually mapping the area obviously. What happens if you are exploring a dungeon that nobody has mapped before, or the depths of the wilderness? You cant just "buy a map".

This isnt even counting the many other ways such a skill could be used, like making maps of a city and selling them to the highest bidder.

Even today, having an auto mapping skill would be invaluable in many fields...searching for new resource deposits, exploring the deepest depths of the ocean, etc...
Nov 2, 2019
@Question2 It doesn't necessarily mean the author can't see the value, he is making a story out of it, after all. It's more that the author creates this sort of unrealistic setting (or un-immersive setting, because it suspends the belief, making you question - "why don't they see the value in it?") where this pretty useful [Skill] is put down just for the sake of creating, really pushing, those underdog themes. 'Cause the underdog rising up is an entertaining story.

well you could say that the people of that world don't have google and accessible references and so can't intuit the ways that we can find it useful. The problem of his [Mapping] [Skill] is that it takes up all Slots, he has no other [Skills] to provide utility for in his team, and the mapping could become niche, possibly irrelevant or redundant, depending on a situation like going to an already mapped area to do "x" quest.

Despite it having uses on its own as well, mapping is possible even without the [Skill], albeit not with the same ease and effectiveness, the range. There are also many adventurers out there, and as one of them in the new team said "Nowadays, you can find an accurate map sold almost anywhere, after all." and there would be the [Area Map] and [World Map] [Skills] held by others, who are also willing to explore in a team, and which I'd guess holds only one skill slot , so those people have some more apparent utility than Note - [Area Map] also has the ability to "map" apparently.
and [World Map] would have all maps recorded I would guess from the description?
[Mapping] would be effective for many fields, here in our world, but the demand might not have been found yet in their setting (many adventurers, dangerous places - he has to be guarded, cause he only has mapping, already mapped places so no need for him, and other people with [Area Map] and [World Map] etc. ) The "You can just buy maps" statement was also made when they were kids (so they have some inexperience about things they haven't come to think about yet) I gotta give it that bit of consideration, at least.

there are many adventurers out there and it's a world where the concept of [Skills] exists, so their thinking and image of utility is skewed towards other things you can say

but yeah, many manga settings have that sort of trope imo, where the "useless" is actually not useless, the other characters around also not seeing the value in it, and [Skills] determining people's ranking and hierarchy (i'm not really fond of that one) and etc. the sort of forced underdog themes is really out there a lot, I do understand you - just saying things in defense of it after reading the first few chapters.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018


25.06.2019 - 31.12.2019

More translated chapters never.

And new trasnlator was more lazy than first.
May 7, 2018
I vote we rename this manga to "I am a retard that thinks godlike omniscience of the land around me is useless"
Mar 7, 2020
oh right. forgot to mention. but ummmm, I'm not a native English speaker, and the English I learned
was the British one.
I'm still a student so don't expect a bible like grammar
Jan 4, 2019
Thanks for picking this up Vaan! So far I'm not troubled by the grammar you're using at all. It's easily understandable and the flow is really good!

(If you wondered about the part you were uncertain and you don't mind getting advise (let me know, if you don't like to receive that kind of feedback, I won't bother to do so again))
On that part, I believe the correct way to spell it is by just removing the 'A'. 'What carefree' people should suffice as a correct way to formulate it. Since 'people' is a word concerning multiple entities (to be honest I don't really know how to explain this since English isn't my native language, and I learned it through a Dutch way of explaining grammar).

Looking forward to new releases!
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 24, 2018
In "kicked from my party" stories, those MCs worked hard at everything else outside of combat and provided combat support, only to be kicked by a near-sighted leader.

This is the opposite, this guy does nothing and gets picked up by a leader with some brains.
Mar 29, 2019
So it keeps only partially how he separated with his childhood friend, did she actually split with him herself? Or did he misunderstand split them on his own accord? I feel like its probably closer to the second one because she was crying. Or its also possible she split with him because she didn't want him to keep adventuring and die.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Read the spoilers in recent posts.
The childhood friend is still a bitch who deserves to be killed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018

First , you have two page untranslated in recent chapter

Second, you desperately need a spell checker or proof reader, so many grammar error, I can volunteer for spell check (I can also do cleaning but not redraw) part since you're doing series that I like

Third, you really, really need better type setter, some of the dialogue was off put , gone out of bubble or visible clean line

Lastly, how you expect ppl to support with donation if these problem from 1 to 3 wasn't improved in the first place, seems like a very poor investment

Hope you improve better for the future
I'm dead serious about spell check and clean part, reply me back at Mangadex comment and we can forward to discord contact if you need for one or interested, if not I assume you guys are good for now.
Mar 7, 2020
bruh. even after editing the chapter i still made a mistake.
can't just any real translator take this?

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