"I will force you to leave my territory!"
Only leave the territory? Not this mortal realm?
Do stats even mean anything? Well, at least it's just one page of them.
Well, technically this isn't a quest they get paid for (I think), but usually they do, so I don't think it's quite the right word for them. Dragon needs to up its vocabulary.
It's not that having intelligence is a problem for getting confused, since that's still possible for lower intelligence creatures. It's more a matter of how they get confused.
Poor axe guy, never getting to axe anything. Well, the series has to end at some point, so I'm sure he'll get his chance.
Seven levels for a single dragon. That's pretty good.
"Terrible memories..."
"So nostalgic!"
At least they're in
perfect synch.
Someone's jelly about the size of that mansion...
And of course he's trying to steal the dragon.
So it was a task. That means they were professionals. And of course the ones who sent the task have to pay for it.
"Don't they get bored of drinking all day?"
Didn't you already get the memo that they're dwarves?
Big dragon: Kill.
Smol dragon: Pet.
This one was better. The last two chapters really shows how Allen juggles the big picture extremely well.
Yeah, this feels better than tossing numbers around.