Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 6 Ch. 27 - Family Meeting

Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Anyone know where the official light novel release is at right now? Has it caught up to the WN? I used to follow the WN when it was getting translated, but it was dropped earlier this year and hasn't found a stable translator since.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@jhadred @Mami
You guys do remember she is not a child but an adult, right?
Because the way you speak is like she was expecting too much from a child...
Jan 18, 2018
@ImpactTheory And at least post the link to the proper TL site...
Blastron did such an amazing job TLing this that anything else is sacrilegious.


This is the Web Novel chapter that this chapter is at, not Ch 71. Also, use desktop mode (or a computer) to view the page properly for dark mode.

@jeikob 2 LNs out now at J-novel.club
The TL Quof has said he will translate one volume per 2 months to catch up with the 20ish jp novel volumes. Volume 1 to 3 makes up the first book, and Volume 3 is 41ish% of that book, it releases 3rd September.
Mar 23, 2018
As far as what is up for sale, the official English translations are at Part 1 Volume 2 which covers WN chapters 27-48, however if you are a JNC subscriber you can read "prepubs" (basically early access) and they're currently about 3/8th's of the way through Part 1 Volume 3 and they just reached the LN chapters that this manga chapter adapted (which corresponds to about WN chapter 57). Part 1 Volume 3 (which covers WN chapters 49-77) should go on sale to the general public on 2019-09-02.

Infinite Novel Translations dropped the WN at chapter 103 which corresponds to the end of Part 2 Volume 1 (which is volume 4 total), at the pace JNC are going Part 2 Volume 1 should go on sale in early November or late October and Part 2 Volume 2 (i.e. completely new content for anglophones) should go on sale in early January or late December (if you subscribed to JNC for prepubs should should see Part 2 Volume 2 translations in November).
Group Leader
Jun 20, 2018
To the people who say "just learn magic wtf". You may not wanna compare this to some other isekais. You can't scream "Status" here and you get your status screen and you can't scream "Fireball" and a giant fireball just appears. Myne and anyone she knows don't know shit about magic. There are some more reasons but there's absolutely no way for her to just learn to use magic. And if I recall correctly, she didn't even know at this point that it's because of her mana. Might be wrong about that though, don't remember.
Sep 27, 2018
It's tough when you got a kid with a fatal illness and you got no money so you can't do nothing for them. (T . T)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
So, as someone who's read the WN, here's some random stuffs for people who care (spoilers, duh)

@mahtan : No, she IS a child right now in society no matter how mature she act. Even if she's read about magic in books it doesn't mean that's how magic is done everywhere, that's the same sort of logic as 'everything that happens in Hollywood movie can be done in real life'

What happen next
The next major event is at Myne's baptism.

Due to the Glico man pose and the dogeza the priests do, Myne collapsed from holding back her laugh.
(the significance is actually trying to reach as close to the sky and earth as you can)
Because of her 'fancy' clothing/hair ornaments, she's mistaken for a rich girl and taken to appropriate reception room.

Well, she woke up and want to go to toilet, but there's only a pot in the room and she's like NOPE.
So she wanders out, until she finds A ROOM FILLED WITH BOOKS
Try to get in, get blocked by magical wall.

Then finally some nun found her and when she asked how can she get in, the nun said only authorized people of the temple can get in.
which Myne immediately say she'll enter the temple.
Well, some shenanigans happen and basically:
The priests heard she's got a rather strong case of consuming (i.e. high mana) and have her try pouring magic into a relic. Enough stones got charged that they want her to enter the temple.
Myne felt a little better to let off some of the fever (btw, even though the amount of stones she lit impressed them, she actually held back in fear of accidentally breaking the relic like what she did to Frieda's tool)
Myne's casual suggestion she can donate a large gold coin also helped.

Anyway, she goes home, tell her family she want to enter the temple, at which point they flips out.
See, only orphans go to the temple, so her saying that is equal to saying "I don't want to be part of this family anymore"
She quickly solved that misunderstandings and said she'll try to negotiate with the temple to maybe let her commute to work.

Her parents go with her next time.
Upon realizing that Myne isn't actually daughter of a rich family, the temple head's attitude turned condescending immediately, event threatening the parents to let her enter the temple.
Well, this is when Myne show us the most basic use of magic: Just unleashing it out.
The pressure created from this was physically damaging enough that the head priest (the 'nice' one) cough up blood when he had to block her from causing any further damage.
Anyway, temple head fainted so head priest took over the negotiation and promised to compromise as much as they can.
So he asked for the conditions from Myne's side (later on the parents noted he's a nice person for compromising this much)
1. Do not treat Myne like the grey robed - Given that she's going to be doing the work of a blue robed (noble), she will be given a blue robe. (if the temple head got his way she'd be wearing grey btw)
2. Let her commute to work - some of the blue robed do that so this is fine.
3. She can only work when her conditions allowed - accepted.

So yeah, basically every conditions presented were accepted

arc 1 ends with her return home from the negotiation and have a " welcome back" moment with Tuli.

Learning magic:
The short version is: No, normal humans basically can't do much more than spew out their mana and doing this harm others around you and is frankly just a waste.

By pouring mana into various magic tools, you can charge it to keep running and is a much more productive (and in fact the main job of the nobles) way to use them, and even then that's like the lowest level of usage.

That said, although Myne enter the temple initially to serve as such mana battery, her teacher eventually 'demand' she goes to the magic school nobles go to and learn how to control her mana, because she has too much mana that if she have an outburst similar to earlier, the damage can be very serious (not just her dying, to the surroundings too)

Magic is basically offering your mana to the Gods for whatever you're casting.

Can humans manually cast it? Practically impossible, if nothing else having the Gods' blessings makes your magic far more powerful than without that even if you can somehow use magic without going through the Gods you're going to be very inefficient with it.

Like, there's actually one example comparison that happen later on:
A land got devastated by not-toronbe-but-similar thing.
Myne fixed the land in hours (or less than an hour), alone.
Later on the priests from Central temple (think the most powerful of the priests) arrived and was like "wtf? we'd need groups of us working in rotations for DAYS to do this"

So yeah, that's the massive difference having the Gods' support can have.

Make her own tools or buy one off noble?
Not happening (yet?)

The tool is actually very precious to the nobles but there's only so many of them, and the nobles need as many as they can to use as well.
Heck, the blue robed in the temple are for the most part children of nobles who they can't provide that tool to siphon excess magic to.

And to make it, you have to go to the magic school.

The only reason Freda's grandpa even get to buy the near broken ones is because they won't last long enough for the nobles and thus they're willing to part with it.

Nope, that ship won't sail.

He will marry Tuli though.

Why these early sufferings/events are actually necessary
Her starting out poor and having to merchant her way up give her connections to later sell her products and also the knowledge/mindset of a merchant ("take what you can when you can"...even from her 'family')

Her work in the temple not only ends up giving her one of her workshops but actually become relevant to what make her magic so powerful later on, it also get her to know the holy relics that she'll be using later on

Will Myne ever do something crazy with magic
Yes, obviously yes, though most of it doesn't happen until the school arc.
Some shenanigans she does include:
1. Create a 'car' type flying mount, where previously the common convention is to make it an animal (usually the family's heraldry) + wings. The seat model become rather popular among the ladies who riding for a long time is uncomfortable.

2. Destroying a magic-absorbing shield by OVERLOADING IT WITH TOO MUCH MAGIC (not the first time she's done it either, and amusingly the 'gold powder' that come from overloading magic stones like this is actually very valuable)

3. Create at least 2 different magic registered through the Staff: "mizuteppou" (water gun) and "copy then paste" (yes, she actually tsukkomi that she screwed that spell name up)
Introduce the idea of 'customizing' the Staff by holding a strong image of what you want it to look like, others took on this trend to add their family emblem to their Staff
(it's more important to the ladies, since they usually are the ones who marry out, so having their Staff hold their old family's crest is a reminder of where they came from)
3.1. Wrecking her room by randomly wondering "hmm, maybe I can imagine water gun shooting arrows instead of water" and try it in her room.

4. Transform the Staff into holy relics (and with the same function too), this kinda start a trend of people wanting to be able to do the same (and some do manage, though not everyone try to 'learn' every relics, most kids basically copy the Life God's Sword, because SWORD)
(note that this isn't actually 'new', some families do similar thing already)

5. Transform a Staff into TWO STAFFS (she thought "well, people can make weapon+shield, so surely you can just make two different items right?", not realizing the weapon+shield is actually a 'single' item)

6. Make stadium-sized magic of 'washing machine' that 'remove foreign elements'...that ends up curing people of hypnotic drugs since the drugs were snuck in from outside the country

7. Not her fault (only part of it) - get magically grown by the Gods from looking a few years younger than her age into the size more appropriate to her age (yes, her stunted growth just get magically cured like that)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I was not talking about her body or position in society, I was talking about her mind. She is not a child and the reader should not have the expectations they would have of a child for her. She doesn't "act mature" she is an adult reincarnated in the body of a child, that is the point.

I'm not going to talk about the spoilers because I already had that discussion before in another chapter and the admin told me to stop it or else I could get a ban but the TL;DR is that the magic only through God is BS and it is just that way because no one goes against that since they are unable to since they are all slaves forced to accept and not think by themselves by the baptism contract. I know it is what the novel says about magic and as readers we just accept but it is also given enough clues to show that it is not closed on stone that it is the only way and it doesn't matter because all she has to do is release the mana from her body which is something all humans can do even without "God" and that by itself is already a cure for consuming without the need of a magic tool. (Yes that the resume of it and no I'm not going to discuss it again).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@ SaitoHimea
Yes, Myne don't die, she affiliate with the church and goes to a school to learn "magic" and end up "saving the world" by using her magic, that is more powerfull than normal, with the help of God without using an artefact.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@mahtan : She was childish mentally (was so obsessed with books she doesn't care about anything else). Just because you grow older does not necessarily means your mind is automatically more mature.
Hell, see her right when she just became Myne? Did that seem like a mature person to you? And that was her without the influences of the new world.

If anything, the series is about her maturing as a person from where she was.

As for your magic through god is BS, I'll just leave it as you're overestimating the humans and underestimating the Gods.
Heck I'm pretty sure in the novel itself they mentioned just releasing your mana out is so pathetically weak they don't count that as real magic.

Yes she survives, also ignore mahtan, he's on this whole denial that Gods are that powerful.

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