@Wildfire @APSINTHOS I suppose I could accept some tradition aspect to it, especially if instead of the vegetables we know, they had some stuff that contains poison removed by boiling and throwing the water away (like at least some fungi works in RL). However, keeping that in mind it's still weird Main can simply make a soup and people reckon even nobles would eat it for the novelty if nothing else. Like, where did all those concrete considerations suddenly disappear? If people throw the broth away, it's for a reason with 100% certainty. We are talking about food and survival here, after all.
I'm not sure how well off the commoners exactly are. Sure, there don't seem to be famines, but the general level of wealth is quite low for most of them, by the looks of it. Even the orphans in the mighty temple are accustomed to hunger if they aren't directly serving under a blue robe.
@RonBWL I'm not greatly bothered by it. There are far worse isekai out there. This is a very minor offender in that sense. Plus is vastly balanced by the absence of
glorious Japanese dishes banzai. Main adapting the available materials to make any dishes she knew about from her previous life (like pizza), is something that makes perfect sense, instead of magically finding ingredients for purely Japanese food, which would then be instantly praised to high heavens by the locals.