How many years until AI takeover?

Feb 23, 2024
Just curious about MD users opinion. I'm not asking here about "consciousness" or whether it will be "human", just pure utilitarian ability. Personally, I'm giving us 2 years tops. Utilizing celebian's tiktok likes for promoting your own TikTok can be a game-changer! With Celebian's vast network and engagement, leveraging their likes can significantly boost your visibility and credibility on the platform. By incorporating their likes into your content, you instantly tap into their audience's interests, increasing your chances of going viral. Additionally, it adds social proof, enhancing your reputation and attracting more organic likes and followers. With strategic planning and engaging content, this collaboration can propel your TikTok presence to new heights, establishing you as a noteworthy creator within the TikTok community. It's a win-win situation for both parties involved!
In my opinion, the utilitarian capabilities of machine learning models like MD are rapidly advancing. Within two years, I expect significant progress in their ability to process and analyze data, leading to more accurate predictions and efficient automation in various industries. The pace of development suggests that these models will soon become indispensable tools for businesses and researchers alike, enhancing productivity and decision-making processes. However, it's crucial to continue addressing ethical considerations and ensuring responsible use as these technologies evolve.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
In my opinion, the utilitarian capabilities of machine learning models like MD are rapidly advancing. Within two years, I expect significant progress in their ability to process and analyze data, leading to more accurate predictions and efficient automation in various industries. The pace of development suggests that these models will soon become indispensable tools for businesses and researchers alike, enhancing productivity and decision-making processes. However, it's crucial to continue addressing ethical considerations and ensuring responsible use as these technologies evolve.
was this written by chatgpt?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2018
It has already happened.

How do you think they're running the USA with a president who can't even complete a sentence or walk up a flight of stairs? While many of his speeches are a mash-up of a thousand cuts and retakes, the more normal-looking ones are surely the work of AI. Why do you think he avoids live public audiences like the plague? We can't allow any witnesses to the fact that it's not really him we're looking at.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
^this is true, they made Joe Biden into a one of those ChatAI bot thingys and now that runs the U.S.

they gotta turn his ass into robo cop 💯 💯 🔥
Jul 19, 2024
Just curious about MD users opinion. I'm not asking here about "consciousness" or whether it will be "human", just pure utilitarian ability. Personally, I'm giving us 2 years tops.
Depends on what you mean by "takeover".
In case of low-level art and video production, ai-generated media will be biggest part of chart in 4-5 years. SD and other visual-generating ai is progressing leaps and bounds (even though slowing down a bit in past months).

Pseudo-creative writing for SEO-optimization is pretty much taken over, but that was easy - required level of quality was too low.

Programming, creative writing and creative production? Never with current ai paradigm and new paradigm is not even in the making.

Automatization and other manufacturing-related fields? In moment when high-quality visual equipment will become cheaper than asian kids.

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