To elaborate,
I didn't want some re;zero or a code geass masterpiece magnum opus story. I just wanted a good story. Hell, I just wanted a story.
You can't defend this manga as something "below average" since it's still fucking going and frankly still top of the line fucking garbage. If you wanted a simple story that has tits nhentai literally has millions of that shit so go full blast. To defend my point further "below average" isn't fucking good enough for a long spanning manga. Nobody wants to read a below average manga. Maybe idiots like you.
This manga is probably written by a amateur or written like this ON purpose in order to incite a angry mob, in order to gain traction and attention. I see it alot in fact. I really don't care about the fanservice. Pretty sure I said it was the only highlight and stated that I didn't want a story with JUST tits or ass. Because then it wouldn't be a story. It would be glorified softcore porn parading as a story(which it is). Which a overwhelming majority of people don't want.
I criticise the main character for being a idiot. A notion I still agree with. Albeit I probably was TOO passionate on the review and came off abit aggressive.
I disagree with you people thinking that this is a good story or a good read.
Because I could go read hentai with abit of story and get the same experience, albeit with abit more action.
I think you are a degenerate for liking this manga. And so are others that like this manga, because you enjoy watching a god op harem protag cucklord get nothing whilst it's right infront of him. Not denying myself to be a degenerate.
Signing off,