While I disagree with the idea that we should view her actions any differently than if a guy exposed himself to a girl who rejected him, I agree with the rest of your statement. It's clearly obvious to everyone, the reader, Shou, and Sensei, that she's obviously attracted to him and making up excuses to not move forward. It's very very different from a clear "no, I only see you as a friend" "I have someone else I love". He even explicitly states that he would move on if she found someone else that she loved and made her happy.
They are not equitable at all, you'd have to be completely blind to the nuances of their situations to believe that.
I won't argue with you that we should view the actions differently because of sex, but I do want to share a thought that occurred to me.
I've heard it frequently said that a man's value to women is in what he can achieve in terms of providence and protection, whereas a woman's value to men is more intrinsic to them-- things like their beauty and their personalities, especially in service of fostering family and community.
The truth of that notwithstanding, I find it interesting that Shou and Fujieda both make their appeals to the person of their affections exactly according to that notion, after initially approaching with just their feelings*. Shou's making plans to train to become someone that can provide with/for Sensei (though he was planning on what he intended to begin with, I believe), whereas Fujieda makes an extensive appeal to Shou using her body. I already remarked in an earlier thread that this is the second manga I've seen where protagonist and heroine are physically idealized avatars of their respective sexes, so I find it interesting that Shou and Fujieda** together embody this-- for lack of a more concise term-- comically idealized sexual dimorphism.
I suspect that this is in accordance with a specific genre I'm unaware of...
*Granted, Fujieda was also told that Shou's a pervert, and I think that we're meant to understand that she's irrationally and desperately acting according to that falsehood.
**Who isn't the heroine of this manga, of course-- bear with me.