I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Aug 8, 2018
Anyone here could remind me why is MC in love with THIS?

Heck, Sayu being a minor and full of issues is clearly a better choice than Gotou

Kouhai still best girl tho


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
There is an crossed out eyes icon, click on it.
It will generate a text like this [ spoiler ] (put the spoiler between these text) [ /spoiler ]
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I hate this Woman so much, she's shady. I want the Kouhai instead.
Aug 16, 2019
Thanks for the info @PoH

Also @ss4chris, sorry but Mangadex did not allowed me to send you a PM, i tried two times before and got an error message. Anyway if you have any other question now i can reply over here with the spoiler tag.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018
God its so hard to get into this series with it being monthly. if it were like weekly or bi weekly i would understand. but monthly? bleh

i know this isnt the original content and thats its a LN first. someone who read the novel wanna spoil for me? wahts there currently? where are we at plot progressions wise? Is this jsut going to be like under the rain where the other guy and young girl dont end up together but she grew as a person?

@ Saint_Rygar you have a site that has a translation? you wanna spoil for me? :eek:

(copied and pasted) :p
Aug 16, 2019

Can you be more specific about what you want to know? writing all in detail it's too much. There's a site with the LN translation but it's not in english (it's a spanish site i think, j-light novel club) that's the source if you want to look for it.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018
@Saint_Rygar sorry T.T

umm. i guess where does the Plot go? does he end up with his crush or does he end up falling for the girl he brought in? is it even remotely close to that yet?
Aug 16, 2019

Well right now
I think the story is not yet close to an ending but someone mentioned the LN 4 could be the ending so who knows. Yoshida is implied to start to develop more feelings for Sayu unconsciously, one of the guys Sayu lived before arrives and that's the next arc with basically blackmail for sex story but resolved without many issues.

Later Yoshida remembers his first love from highschool, a senpai who i think was his girlfriend and first (and only i guess) sexual experience too and basically they split up because she graduated first and no one tried to remain in contact but he thinks he has never loved anyone like her. After some small extra chapters his exgirlfriend from highschool is transferred to his job as a new boss (kind of like Gotou) he overreacts when he sees her and everyone is suspicious, when he arrives that day to home Sayu sees he's acting weird (basically thinking about her) after asking him what's going on he tells her about his ex and she gets worried and jealous.

Some days later Mishima is also jealous and talks with Gotou to try to do something about the new rival. Meanwhile the ex of Yoshida talks with him a bit and after some days pass she ask him to go to out with her to talk more about them, after eating and drinking she ask him if he wants to go to a hotel with her, he refuses saying she does not like him and he wants to do it only with a girl he's going out with and she asks if he has someone he loves, he says Gotou but after learning they are not dating she insists, he wants to go but he still refuses because he thinks Sayu is waiting for him and not arriving all the night is too much without talking with her in advance, anyway the exgirlfriend remarks he has changed a bit in some things but is still the same in others, (the story implies Yoshida just looks and acts like a nice guy taking in consideration the best interest of the others before him from the point of view of the people who don't know him well but his whiteknight stance is also an excuse for his own convenience and fears of acting about something, not taking into account the feelings of others) flirts with him a bit more and they go to home but she asking him to go out again someother time.

And that's more or less all of what's happening right know in the LN, i missed some details obviously and did not mention a small friendship chapter story of Sayu with Asami and some other not very important chapters i think. I hope this helps you.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018

wow i did my best to understand but it was tough.

doesnt look this manga will catch up anytime soon with its monthly releases.

are the LNS translated online? i think i only saw vol 1 done.

wish the wiki had this info.
Aug 16, 2019

Like i mentioned before there is a spanish site, the name is j-light novel club, i don't know if there's another translation of the LN (i suppose someone is translating them in chinese or russian but honestly i haven't check) but the guys who used to translate the LN in english dropped the project a good while ago.

Sorry if my spoilers were a bit confusing.
Dec 20, 2018
@welcome2atlantis yes, lmao. When she puked and said her past was catching up, I fucking thought she got pregnant. I got so scared for her, then read the next line and was like... damn okay, it was just the food and her previous best friend.
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019
>falling in love with a faggot who wears high heels.
The man has no taste whatsoever.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2019
Oh... you see I held this manga for some time but judging from the comments the older woman isn't good? Didn't she reject him at first by saying she had a boyfriend? Eh.. not that it matters.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2019
hori sheet, 258 comments and increasing.

Yes, she's asking the right questions, but also baring fangs at the same time.

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