I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! - Vol. 3 Ch. 14.1

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019

Yulan is for Vio! No sidetracking Maryjun!!! 😠
Mar 9, 2019
I really don’t think Maryjun likes Yulan in that way. It seems more like she admires his abilities more than anything. She stated that she liked Vio the most, so it’s very likely that she wasn’t even thinking about romance at all when she talked about Yulan. Besides, this might be a catalyst for the start of her own little redemption arc.

For example, Maryjun might try to be friends with Yulan and through him, starts to realize all the things about Vio’s situation that she didn’t notice before. She starts putting two and two together upon hearing what Yulan has to say. Hopefully, this will give her the wake up call she so desperately needs right now.

Another way this could develop positively would be if Maryjun realizes that Yulan is in love with Vio and so... she starts trying to get those two together. If she does that and actually helps move their relationship along, I might start seeing her in a more favourable light. :p
May 17, 2020
@Nogoodimaginativename So she's basically using Violette because none of that suggests Maryjun has any consideration for Violette's circumstances or that Maryjun pays any mind to what Violette actually wants to do (from the study session to this summer trip). Maryjun can't be both a user and an ignorant innocent.

@Tsuki09 There's literally no excuse! Also, Maryjun is supposed to be child prodigy level smart but she can't even notice how awkward their home life is? Or that Violette's the odd one out? I just don't see that being the case. She's not evil but she's satisfied and shielded to such a degree she has lost all sense of empathy. Just like her own protected bubble where she doesn't care about others except in the abstract. I personally wouldn't consider that a good person.

@riflow Right, the father only engages Violette to benefit Maryjun. Is that a normal relationship? Who knows! Maryjun doesn't care!

@HOOfan_1 The only good, sensible thing Maryjun did was prevent the execution. Maryjun quite literally did "ruin" her life and steal her place. Not necessarily all out of malice, but... do innocent women go after the man their sister wants and has been very publicly chasing before you even met him? Maybe Maryjun and Violette had no reason to respect each other's feelings in such a hostile relationship but getting with the guy your sister likes is hardly a blameless choice.

Maryjun, not through her own choices, also very much did take her place as the "beloved" daughter of the house. Perhaps Maryjun had no say in moving in with her unloved sister. But how cruel is to at least be part of why Violette's life is so fucked and happily frolic and act out a loving family atmosphere in front of the person that three member family destroyed the remaining sanity of?

Maryjun calls Violette onee but she has no grasp on the fact that the father they share has never raised Violette nor given an ounce of fatherly attention to Violette.

Yes, their father is responsible for that but what do you call a person who loves such father and openly/happily basks in his love in front of the unloved daughter? Maryjun is incredibly cruel and she has inflicted a lot of pain on Violette.

Violette's parents and Maryjun and her mother ruined Violette's life and her grasp on sanity.

Violette is still in pain in this timeline but she literally has to meditate on where she should focus her attention and what her thoughts should be to survive Maryjun.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 8, 2018
@Ceereus that's a very cynical take....maybe Maryjun is actually trying to become the family that Violette never had. How is that cruel?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
For me, this line from Ceereus so perfectly sums up Maryjun up to now, which I hadn't been able to put into words...
She's not evil but she's satisfied and shielded to such a degree she has lost all sense of empathy.
May 17, 2020
@HOOfan_1 Without ever having a genuine conversation with Violette? Without ever showing any understanding of Violette's circumstances? We don't even see Maryjun ever acknowledge that Violette has just suffered a loss or that directly after that, a self-contained family moved in without making any real overtures to include the existing resident. Seems like a very weak effort if she is trying to show true familial love to Violette. Counter her attempt with Marin and Yulan who actually pay attention to Violette's feelings etc.

Also, we know that Maryjun, knowingly or unknowingly, has inflicted pain on Violette through Violette's own narration. Sometimes we hurt people unintentionally but that doesn't make the pain any less real.
May 17, 2020
@nehnehneji Thank you! I've been thinking about how to describe Maryjun for a long time lol

Because calling her innocent or ignorant isn't it
Active member
Aug 19, 2019
@HOOfan_1 I think it’s cruel because Maryjun never actually acknowledged Violette’s feelings nor knows about them. Sure, she admires her sister and all, but the truth is, what she admires is the image of Violette, not her as a person with feelings,
insecurities and flaws. Did they ever had a chance to talk heart to heart? No because Violette is hostile to her because she ‘took’ everything that she had. While on the other hand, Maryjun just assumes that everything is okay even though nothing is. What they both need is communication, not meaninglessly wasting each other’s time with a facade that they are in good terms when clearly Violette can kill her again any moment but decides not to to save herself.
Aggregator gang
Mar 4, 2019
I feel it's hard for them to communicate properly when Violette has so much resentment and Maryjun is oblivious and has her parents on her side.
Mar 9, 2019
@Ceereus - Actually... now that you brought up Maryjun’s intelligence, that actually gave me a little more insight into her character. Her possibly being a genius actually makes her MORE likely to not notice social situations such as Vio’s. She’s basically an idiot savant. Think... Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, who misses the most obvious of social cues despite being a genius. We might be seeing something similar in action here with Maryjun. She’s able to pick up on various skills such as playing the violin, but also has... social dyslexia? Is that a thing?

Pure speculation, of course, but I just wanted to point out that, more often than not, being a child prodigy makes one LESS likely to pick up on social situations, not more.
Jan 11, 2020
Sigh....id love to buy it but im not that rich. Sad to see it being dropped even though i understand. Guess im gonna wait and hope it'll get updated somewhere else anyhow 😔
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2019
@Dragontrainer High Int, Low Wis, though I'd argue Sheldon is High Int, Low Wis, AND low Cha. The difference is, Maryjun seems just oblivious and a fish out of water but affable, while Sheldon, in all of Big Bazinga Theory that I've watched (Not much, tbh) he just comes off as an asshole to me.

The general similarity is there though.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2019
So i won't be seeing any of update of this series anymore?
May 17, 2020
@Seventwentyseven No, Violette legitimately regrets what she did in the last timeline. The problem is with or without her behaviour, her life is still fucked. And she's not hostile to Maryjun so much as Maryjun is causing her pain. I think the novel explains this more detailed but it's in the manga so far too. Maryjun and that family of three cause Violette extreme anguish. In this timeline, she has to watch everything so that Maryjun has a good experience so their father doesn't make things more unpleasant for Violette. I did agree with the rest of your analysis though.

@Dragontrainer But she's well-liked. Her parents see her as a treasure. The prince fell for her. She's socially able to maneuver socially even without being a born noble. We never see her being awkward or unable to understand nuances of social exchange. Nothing about her character makes me think she wouldn't understand how big of a deal it is to lose a mother etc.

@Lunaion Resentment. Idky but you lot are so unfeeling with your characterization of Violette but Maryjun gets to hide behind obliviousness.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
If this ends any other way than Violette and Yulan together, I will be sorely disappointed. The author can flirt with the prince being interested in her but when push comes to shove, I hope he butts out.

I also hope that Violette is able to reconcile her issues with her half sister and in time build up a legitimate relationship with her. It's really not her sister's fault that her sister ended up in the position she herself wished more than anything, as the center of a loving family who cares for her. It definitely shows what a terrible father she has that he can even to this day continue to neglect her so coldly while at the same time acting like she's somehow got this great new family. I suppose it also kind of shows how meh the new mom is, since I don't think I've ever seen her even try to speak to Violette on any occasion.

Really, her half sister is the only family member in that household who seems to genuinely care about her. Sure she has no idea the intense regret and conflicting feelings Violette has towards her, but whoever reset time gave her a chance to make things better, not just run away and hide in some monastery as a nun. I'm sure it will come to a head and get bad before it gets better, but I hope to see the sisters actually unambiguously care about each other.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@Ceereus I think the real problem here is that Maryjun is written in a way that makes sense, but her family dynamic doesn't. She's from a commoner background, likely never was raised with much responsibilities/chores (evidenced that she had to learn to make tea, we never see her doing some other hobby besides being in the way) and was obviously not well educated on situational awareness and isn't used to being around people who are in power. Hence, why she backed up the servants when the prince's cloak was torn, bothers her sister in public, etc. She sees her sister not being praised by her parents (she doesn't see enough to make a decision that Vio is being emotionally/mentally abused) but instead of thinking about WHY that is, she just goes full...airhead? ditz? baby? and doesn't even consider actually seeing it from a bigger picture and acting on it.

This would've been fine if the story was written so that she was raised away from her father. However, as far as we know she HAS been raised by her father...and for some reason her education is so glaringly lacking, I'm confused as to how she was remotely raised. Her father is just inconceivably written to be protective of his youngest daughter, because instead of, I dunno, asking Maryjun if she has problems in school he just goes straight at Vio as if no one else could bully her. If he was that protective of his daughter you would think he would teach her basic etiquette and given her some dumb noble hobby so those terrible rumors about her would be shown to have little basis once she was enrolled. It's incomprehensible. He should know better than anyone what the noble faction is like, considering HE goddamn eloped.

That's why I personally think she's not the one to blame, because she should have been taught better. Their father is a piece of shit and he gets a stupidly small amount of time in the series for how much his actions actually affect this story.

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