I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away

Mar 30, 2018
I really like it and the translations are mostly good but there are so many minor mistakes that anoy me.šŸ™‚šŸ™ƒ
I really love all groups but did you guys not quality check it? Like the the tenses are wrong most of the time or they get like changed right in the next sentence
Thanks for your hard work.

"No one was dared to treat Char..blabla.." should be "No one dared.." etc.
Like my english isn't perfect either but it's like the basics and I might seem as really nitpicky but it really throws me out of the loop when there is
perfectly fine english and suddenly it's like you just started learning it. I'm not an english native speaker either and I probably sound asshole-y aswell so I'll apologize in advance, lol.
Dec 13, 2020
@RoundRobin idk why you marked as spoiler but imma do it too just in case
I think that the reason for her not being able to escape even being a swordmaster is either because she was tied with something that made her unable to use her abilities or because she cannot withstand the magic of those mages, the spell was probably too hard even for skilled mages, or both things. And they could of blindfolded her and tied her. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

She did not despise her family at those moments, you can clearly see that she even tough that becoming a swordmaster would get her family's attention and even be loved at least a little bit, her hatred came after she turned back time. Yes, idk what happened with the fiancĆ© he might been there to add drama or smth.??šŸ¤Ø

Idk why but I feel like she didn't actually have real power when she was turned into a sword, and I feel that they should have given more details about her past. Plus how tf did she turn from a human to a sword??? Did they melt her and make a sword like wtf (of course they didn't need to show it just a bubble about it would be enough) it's just so weird. šŸ˜¬

About her wanting to ruin the empire including citizens, I think that it's because nobody felt bad about her being ruined since it was for the empire to prosper, and that might include the citizens, you know when someone goes to war and returns as a war hero? They're usually clapped by citizens those war heroes, maybe it's that. Overall it's just her being blinded by her hatred.

She got to be ml tutor because of her father's position as duke, idk remember wich chapter but in the chapter she said something like that would be her last time she needs something from the duke or smth similar.

I feel like she does give Mary Sue vibes, but as far as we've seen just a swordmaster and half fairy?

The family thing is kinda cliche, it's just the typical 'oh no the person I've been ignoring all my life is now ignoring me how can that be possible?!' šŸ™„.

Totally agree with the time skip being there for no reason, the only thing I can think about is that they want to make ml look important because 'oh look how many wanted to be his tutor and they took so loooong' or by making MC look incredible because of all the inscriptions she got choosed... šŸ˜¶

+It doesn't need to be bad writing, it can be that maybe artist didn't know how to portrait something toošŸ¤Ø
Aug 14, 2019
OMG, I have read part of the novel translated to English, and pondered when would the novel being adapted to manhwa. This is one of my favorite so far. Thank you very much for translating it <3.

p/s: to anyone who are in doubt, the story did start very abrupt with the time skip, but it will all be worth it later :3. I like it that the author doesn't waste time describing the whole 20-ish year of growing up from fetus. And yes
the female lead is extremely strong in this story, it's impossible to beat her, well, she has lived 400 years being a sword that fought all the winning battles after all.
Dex-chan lover
May 9, 2019
Sure hope this wonā€™t be a series you drop parody scans, or at least get caught up to raws and, in doing so, get any other group that is translating to to compete so we stay caught up. Kinda tired of english scans falling behind other languages. Though, a bit of that is my own annoyance with myself being unskilled to help provide translated chapters too.
Active member
Feb 3, 2020
Thank you for clarifying some parts of her first life. So my current understanding is that she originally loved her family and rose to the ranks of a swordmaster in attempt to gain their recognition. Failing, she agreed to become the Emperorā€™s sword. But after this, she underwent torturous experiments. No matter how naive and considerate you are, I think her first priority would be to escape, not to think ā€œI donā€™t want to fight back against these people torturing me/turning me into a sword.ā€ She was clearly distressed and not willing to continue.

As for her disregard of her family, I will assume her love for them died out over the course of 400 years. She states that she will let go of her resentment for them, implying the love she once felt morphed into hate over time. Letā€™s say her family died after 80 years, thatā€™s still 320 years of subservience for no reason. She was being forced to kill against her will, but she didnā€™t rebel that entire time. Instead of turning on her masters/captors, she continued to help take the lives of their enemies. At this point itā€™s too late to claim ā€œI donā€™t want to hurt anybody.ā€

And your last point, Iā€™d have to say itā€™s weird worldbuilding. A knight specializes in fighting, but it seems as if sheā€™s become his personal tutor. Even if heā€™s not a prince in favor, the royal family should at least be able to afford a better tutor for a prince, if only for the sake of appearances. How do you think it looks to appoint a seemingly weak honorary knight teenage girl? Even more baffling, other princes actually felt threatened and sent assassins after the two of them right away. I guess they donā€™t care about scandals?? Itā€™s like nobody would investigate the death of a prince and dukeā€™s daughter :/

The major problem I have with this series is that the author is handwaving away WAY too many details just to make the plot make remotely any sense. There should be plenty of ways to ruin an empire with her ability, yet she chose such a roundabout way. Instigate war with neighboring countries, spilling national secrets, ruining the economy, assassinating the king and making the princes fight, etc. Sheā€™s an intelligent, beautiful, part-fairy genius swordmaster with 400 years of future knowledge. Is there really no faster way than training a hot genius prince to be evil?
I also get the weird feeling sheā€™s gonna give up on destroying the empire because she falls in love with her student.
Anyway I can normally tolerate and overlook a few things, but the egregious wish-fulfillment in this series is way too blatant. I blame the author for catering too much.

Oh god I wanted to give this the benefit of the doubt, but all of the spoilers in NovelUpdates is telling me she gets even more OP.
Sep 29, 2020
I've read part of the novel and I absolutely love this story! I can't wait to see how they did making a manhwa out of it!
May 23, 2019
Oh wow, did not expect this. I read the promo (by SecretLandCastle) and the first translations of the novel (both got taken down, IIRC) but didn't pick the novel back up when new translations came in yet. I like these types of plots.
Apr 23, 2020
Is it just me? Or I feel that she would be prettier with black hair and red eyes. Cause IĀ“m kinda bored of the same old white hair and blue eyes
Apr 24, 2020
Iā€™m so excited! Itā€™s been a while since a new manhwa has caught my interest! :)
Aug 22, 2019
Oct 3, 2019
This manhwa operates on some strange parallel world logic.
Women dying in childbirth was common in preindustrial societies, so where does this ā€œcursed childā€ nonsense come from? The father might resent her for losing his wife, but that would be just him.
The count has nothing to gain from what heā€™s doing. It would be one thing if he was allied with some other heir to the throne, but heā€™s making a really bad job of sabotaging the princeā€™s education while putting himself at risk. Itā€™s like he were there only to make the reader see that thereā€™s prejudice against women.
The father finally realizes that he misses the daughter heā€™s ignored all his life because sheā€™s away for a couple of weeks? What?
Is the main character actually excellent at everything? Being liked, swordsmanship, scholarship and rhetoric too? Wow.
Jun 4, 2020
Does anyone know whether the novel will continued to be translated or not? I'm happy that the manga is out but...

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