Ie ga Moete Jinsei Dou Demo Yoku Natta kara, Nokotta Nakenashi no Kin de Dark Elf no Dorei o Katta. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Dark Elf Slave (1)

Jul 25, 2020
Such a shame he had no insurance. When merching slaves for STONKS goes wrong because you came to the wrong neighborhood. This finna lookin' like trash. Aw shit, here we go again.
Nov 3, 2019
@nightwatch25 because how else would they get some generic self insert MC to have a beauty follow him within a single chapter? Most of these stories are just generic collect women and fame stories, the only manga I've seen that handles slavery well for this kind of thing was "Shield Hero". Most of these stories seem to be trying to be similar but without the quality writing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2020
Can't believe Mario has stoop this low. Seem like the financial situation of the Mushrooms Kingdom is as bad as the rest of the world, huh?
Mar 8, 2020
Japan, we need to talk about your definition of slavery.

Take it as an intervention, you can't expect selling waifu's in the black market to be something normal nor benign.

Really where the fuck do the mangakas come up with this setting in most fantasy and isekai media?

So many ways to get waifu/husbando (this one is even rarer) into the story other than buying them like their freaking body pillow.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Why are they always so chill about slavery in this kind of stories?

...Why were people in our real world so chill about owning another person as property? Hell, it's still going on today. You just don't see it like it had been done in the past, prominently (probably the only place where this was done unabashedly openly in very recent times was in ISIS held territory where Yazidi women were open traded as sex slaves). Go look up how many kids are found in sexual slavery or saved from it. You'll find tons of articles. And those are just the ones that were found.

Not only in the past in our real world has slavery been welcomed... but it still exists today. Just hidden away better.
And, once you dig into the history, you'll find some startling truths about slavery and who benefited from it. For instance, Yale University is now a thinktank generator for wokeness and progressivism... But it was also initially financed by plantations and slave auctions. Also, something ABSOLUTELY NO ONE wants to bring up in today's politically correct climate... Where did all those African slaves come from? It's commonly, incorrectly, believed that white europeans brought them by force and sold them... But that isn't what actually happened. Dirty Little Secret no one wants to admit to: Africans were selling fellow Africans into the slave trade. If one tribe went to war with another, the tribe that lost would often be forced into slavery. White europeans found out about this and somehow or another a deal was struck and the white europeans paid African slave holders for African slaves, who then went on to sell them themselves. Now, this doesn't absolve europeans/whites from the slave trade or make their deeds any less heinous, but when was the last time you saw someone condemning the African slave holders for enslaving fellow Africans? I sure haven't. And I believe that slavery is a moral wrong - no matter who does it to whom. There's a quote, attributed to Abraham Lincoln, that sums it up best in my opinion: “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 27, 2018
Dude, mine was just a comment about the way the topic is handled in the story story, not a way to start to a debate about how shitty the world is. I'm not some kind of snowflake that gets insulted just because I read somewhere the word slave, I'm perfectly aware that until recently slavery was considered perfectly normal in western countries.

That aside, I despise the concept of treating another sapient being as if they're some kind of object, robbing them of their freedom and selling them for money. The fact that the protagonist is the classic 'good young guy with tons of talents' doesn't make up for the fact that he still took part to such a disgusting practice without much issues. At least Naofumi was forced to buy Raphtalia because no one else would join him.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Dude, mine was just a comment about the way the topic is handled in the story story, not a way to start to a debate about how shitty the world is. I'm not some kind of snowflake that gets insulted just because I read somewhere the word slave, I'm perfectly aware that until recently slavery was considered perfectly normal in western countries.
You questioned why someone in today's peaceful society would be "chill" about slavery. The fact that humanity has not been "chill" about it until very recently in human history kinda answers your question. And that it still occurs today, just unseen. That's why. Some people are sociopathic or psychopathic or lack any empathy and thus do not care what happens to someone else if it benefits them. Given that Japan also lacked a significant slave trade (there was some kind of slavery, just nothing on the level as other parts of the world) and they aren't going to recoil in horror at the idea. Pack on Confucianism and a desire for conformity and a greater emphasis on the whole rather than the individual and, yeah, you might get some Japanese creators that think that if you're nice to a slave that makes it somewhat okay.

At least Naofumi was forced to buy Raphtalia because no one else would join him.
I wouldn't say "forced"... He didn't have to keep trying to level and buy a slave. He could've easily just lived off the land, foraging, or found other alternatives. That said, given the fact that she later WILLFULLY signed herself over as a slave after being freed to him, again, makes this much less of an issue.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Maybe it's the prejudice against dark elves that caused that country's currency to become so worthless. They even need paper money to deal with the inflation.

The slave dealer might have been crafty to sell the dark elf for so little money. If the MC enjoys success with the dark elf slave, it would help to reduce the fear of dark elves. Since the town seems to have a lot of wealth, if the dealer is able to sell dark elves for nvidia prices in the future, it could be considered a major victory. It's not like the slave dealer would be lacking money and be desperate for every penny right here and now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
this is so stupid, dropped and im barly through chapter 1

why isnt MC talking to the police over the burning of his frigging house?
if the dark elf is so valuable in other continents why arent you selling her there?
when its so clear that no one wants the darkelf why didnt MC underbid? the proprietor even said that they can go as low as 10K! when he said the bid starts at 150K MC should have yelled "10K! not like anyone else is bidding!"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2018
You know, I just have to say this after reading thru all 5 pages of comments. I am shocked! I am amazed! I am FLABBERGASTED!!!! Five pages of comments and not one single person screaming PEDOOOOOOOOOO!! cuz she's 15 and he is 25... Fellow readers, I am disappoint.

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