Everyone is calling this manga hot trash, but I beg to disagree. This is the highest tier of literature, the likes of which writers like Hideaki Anno, Akira Kurosawa, and even Dante Alighieri could only dream of achieving. This is a story of a boy, being thrust into situations completely beyond his scale of life and coming out of it not just as a man, but as a deity. He could have given up and gotten together with the childhood friend, or ran away with rich bitch anytime if he really wanted to. But no, he tapped into the innate desires of women (and even possibly men) throughout the world to overthrow societal norms. This man, cucked nearly the ENTIRE population of the world just so he could overthrow her father and manage to pull one up against him and get together with rich bitch. And yet, despite having the entire world in the palm of his hands, the moment he managed to make her his he simply let go of it all. Power was never his goal, but simply a means to an end. The story starts with him following his rawest desires by looking up her skirt, and ends with him following those same desires and throwing everything away just so he can keep her coochie to himself. And he did all this with possibly the smallest penis in protagonist history, this man can't be loading anything more than 3 inches stiff. This is how you write a Hero's story.