Honestly, assuming “normalfag” did originate from 4chan, early 4chan was a place where “everyone” was a “fag”. “OP is a fag”, “waifufag”, “animeonlyfag”, “moefag”, Overlordfag, SAOfag, etc. Everyone was a fag, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. It’s like the local common pronoun next to anon. Only reason why “normies” are so rustled over this is because they’re not used to it, which is why they shy towards the shortened term. Derogatorily calling someone “normal” doesn’t make much sense in English. So I assume some early scanlator slapped their favorite suffix at the end, and bam, a new word is coined, and all of a sudden, normies are getting insulted, but for all the wrong reasons. As I remember it, it was something whose context could not be accurately conveyed in English, but we’ve reached an ironic branching of paths. Normalfag and normie mean the same thing, but only normies focus on the “fag” part. In English speaking societies, anyway. Try slapping other insults at the end of “normal” and see which makes it seem like an insult. “Normalpunk” doesn’t seem to quite cut it.