Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Senpai! Let's go to the sea~!!

Jun 2, 2018
At first I was iffy on this manga cause I didn't want to read another manga about some guy just getting mocked and made fun of for no reason but this manga grew on me especially the latter half.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
somebody prep the safe spaces and get some puppies to pet some idiots on the internet are crying over stupid shit again sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Mar 19, 2018
I don't get all the butt hurt about this chapter /a/non translations are meant for a niche group, mainly those that are part of Chan culture. Just read the Fanged translations if you want a more general audience sort of translation.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
To begin with, non-riajuu use the word riajuu like it’s a slur or insult. It is a form of slang in the first place. For those of you that say it’s very “incel”-ish, it is those very people that use the word riajuu so much, as well as obssess over it. The loser underdogs of Japan, otaku or not. The popular term was what, “All riajuu should just explode!”, wasn’t it? Another one was, “Only riajuu travel during summer”, which actually occurs in this chapter. Since he’s practically insulting them in his head after getting lauded as a cockroach, doesn’t it fit? He’s always alone, and in this chapter, we see he practically is alone by choice.

“Riajuu should go explode!” = “REEEE, normalfags/normies get out!”
Jul 5, 2018
actually the mc got some development compare to chapter 1 he couldn't look nagatoro straight in the eyes, he got a better development than the mc in kanojo okarishimasu
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
The origins for "normalfag" and "riajuu" might be similar enough, but that's like saying missiles and nukes were both made for war. They mostly are the same, but one has a much bigger impact. It's kinda like the case with curse words in translations, since the Japanese is just more rude rather than the "THOU HATH SINNED" connotation using a curse word gets in the West, but we don't really have much choice. In this case, we do, because excuses can be made as much as we want, but let's be honest..."-fag" was added to make it more edgy, and "riajuu" is so edgeless that it might as well be a sphere even if it is used as an insult. I can call people "happy" as an insult for them daring to not be a depressed pile of waste like me and that'd be fine in Japan, but here that's not enough, gotta add that edge to it, make it cut. HNNNNNNNG. So I guess accurate transliteration wise, "normie" is better, but if you really wanna give it that jelly donut Americanization, go with "normalfag".
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Honestly, assuming “normalfag” did originate from 4chan, early 4chan was a place where “everyone” was a “fag”. “OP is a fag”, “waifufag”, “animeonlyfag”, “moefag”, Overlordfag, SAOfag, etc. Everyone was a fag, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. It’s like the local common pronoun next to anon. Only reason why “normies” are so rustled over this is because they’re not used to it, which is why they shy towards the shortened term. Derogatorily calling someone “normal” doesn’t make much sense in English. So I assume some early scanlator slapped their favorite suffix at the end, and bam, a new word is coined, and all of a sudden, normies are getting insulted, but for all the wrong reasons. As I remember it, it was something whose context could not be accurately conveyed in English, but we’ve reached an ironic branching of paths. Normalfag and normie mean the same thing, but only normies focus on the “fag” part. In English speaking societies, anyway. Try slapping other insults at the end of “normal” and see which makes it seem like an insult. “Normalpunk” doesn’t seem to quite cut it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
@Talismaster :
Calling someone "normal" just say that this person isn't strange. And usually, the term is often inclusive (the speaker include the listener in the same group as him)
Calling someone a "normie" implies that the "normie" is plain, doesn't makes waves and doesn't have any redeeming features. The term is mainly neutral, even if it can be seen as disrespectful. The term is often exclusive (the speaker call the listener "normie" to differentiate him from the other).
Calling someone a "normalfag" say the same as "normie" but the term isn't neutral and is hugely seen as an insult. (4chan insult everyone, so 4chan people can think it's neutral but it's not)

The tractor can use what they want (I'm glad enough that they translate the manga) but it strikes me as odd that the MC who is shy and doesn't rebel use such a strong word.
But yeah, hard to translate while keeping 100% of the meaning. Thanks for translating guys! And keep the good work!
Jan 22, 2018
I'm enjoying this disaster of a comment section so here's what the translator has to say:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks STALKER, greatest praise for delivering freshly squeezed normalfag tears
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Funny you say that, since as of late, Paisen has been growing a spine, and has acted with some initiative when flirting with Nagatoro, and defiant against her friends’ attempts to bully him. We all know it’s painful to watch, and as the person to take it, why wouldn’t he insult them in the safety of his own mind? I’m sure there’s no shortage of people that thought Nagatoro’s friends were being assholes this chapter.

Also, normie is a shortened version of normalfag in the same way tard is short for retard, or fag for faggot. Both should still be as insulting when used in this context. Again, only normies focus on the fag suffix, and shy towards using normie. It’s like how calling the mentally handicapped imbecile was a thing, and then people started a movement to call them “mentally-retarded”, when imbecile became a mainstream insult. Then retarded and retard became the new insult. Now we call it handicapped, challenged, special, and all sorts of flowery stuff people still use as insults.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018

just a reminder that MD doesn't police content but we do police the comments and posts. I'm actually pretty proud of you guys for having mostly constructive dialogue without cussing each other out. I personally am uncomfortable with normalfag due to its origins and connotations.

As always, please feel free to PM me with any instances where the rules, especially 5.1, are being broken.


Group Leader
Jan 21, 2018
>everyone getting riled up at a word that's commonplace on a certain Mongolian basket weaving forum
>fully knowing where said group is from
>still crying about it
I mean, I can understand those who are not familiar to such diction, but to go and bring the pitchforks is quite silly and childish.
To be honest, I feel that he'd be a guy who'd say that in his thoughts anyway.

But good chapter regardless, thanks Stalker et al~!
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 11, 2018
Says normalfag once


Alright, real shit though, I see no reason that “normalfag” is seen like he just stomped a baby’s head or something. The argument that states that the reason you don’t like it because of its origins seems pretty dumb. Don’t know if it’s guilt by association or genetic fallacy but either way it’s dumb. It’s like being offended at people say “person of color” because the KKK used it. Especially when everyone who uses it wants to be the LEAST offensive.

I don’t know what else trembles your feathers but if it is literal just the fact that “fag” is used in it, then that’s a “you” problem. I never got the notion that you can’t call something gay as in “Man, this game is trash dude, so fucking gay.” Like honestly there is no reason for unless the person goes ahead and says “God Hates Fags” or something, don’t give two shits mate.

Context my man, context.

Please stop whining over nothing and please free my nig- ehh I mean, free my nibber /a/nonymous.
May 5, 2018
lmaoing @ all the normalfags here getting triggered. Just do as @nyanpass said and make a better translation if you don't like stalker's one

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