Ok, we need to analyze that last panel....
First thing, the only thing I can imagine going through Senpai's mind right now is, "shit...!"
Second, lets take a look at Nagatoro's face here. When have we seen her go all scary overlord like that in the past? It mainly been out of a serious concern or being seriously stoic with it... This time she cannot betray her emotion this time though.... She tries to go serious overlord to kinda push Senpai back, as her normal tactic, but it fails this time around as instead, her true emotion behind it is shown. This time, she was probably trying to do it to force Senpai into telling her what she asked, without letting it show that she was excited that he was interested in her enough to actually ask her family about her. It is truly a precious moment that I don't believe we will see much of...
Also, this homelife-Toro gives us a different perspective on her. When Toro and Senpai are alone in her room eating the pudding, you can actually see how much each other has rubbed off on the other. Senpai being a little more assertive, and also stepping up the Tsundere game, and then also Toro easing up and actually showing Senpai some emotion, to his face no less, instead of the constant banter. They have truly helped each other grow as a person, Senpai coming more out of his shell and Toro being reigned in and smelling the flowers.