Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 68 - Well~ I'm stuffed, Senpai!

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 9, 2018
You retards do realize that

1: This is translated by a 4channer (the scanlation group is literally /a/), on 4chan & is posted there originally, then on Mangadex. Go make your own version, like Fangéd Scan did, if y'all wanna be a bitch about it. Also, FS themselves put a change (the uncensored Naga-tiddy) in one chapter (for the greater good so they actually 1-up'ed the /a/ version once)

2: "Normie" is also made by 4chan.

3: Riajuu is internet terminology made up by 2chan, so using the 4chan equivalent is not inappropriate in this case.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
The use of normalfag caught me off guard but then again i can't think of anything else that would fit for the word Riajuu wwww
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
That surprised look on Nagatoro's face when Senpai asked her if she wanted to get something to eat was really adorable.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2019
Sigh I took a long ass break. Close to a year and read everything in 15 minutes......bruh
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Does riajuu have the equivalent of "f*g" in it? Fuck that.
It's funny to me that you use "fuck" right next to "fag", and self-censor one F-word but not the other. Even if you think it's unforgivable to use it, it's absurd to censor a word in a discussion about the word.
Besides, the "fag" used as a suffix in words like normalfag is hardly the same as when it's on its own. Shit, there have been times I've derided people as being "straightfags" or "hetfags" for not seeing the appeal of wanting to be topped by a cute trap boy.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
"I am the Anti-Future Plan"

It's a little weird to me that they have to make a plan for their future by the end of high school... but on the other hand, the choices made at that time does affect a great deal of your future, so might as well make it official.

- - - - -

Some trivia about the word "fag": it's an abbreviation of the word "faggot", which means "bundle of sticks". That is why the British call cigarrettes "fags", since they are quite literally small bundles of, well, not sticks but at least leaves.

Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot_(unit)

At some point, the word "faggot" became a slang word for "old woman". Since gay men have been considered "unmanly" by many people, and have often had slurs likening them to women thrown at them, the word "faggot" was added to this arsenal.

There, you had a chance to learn something today! You're welcome.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2019
"Are you okay with just one croquette bun...?"
"It's not just a croquette bun!!! It's a croquette bun you bought for me, senpai"
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 1, 2020
Senpai always struck me as more of a redditor than an anon, but I guess that would explain why nobody knows his name.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
I love that otaku and high schoolers really like food where they just put bread around something that doesn’t need bread, like croquette or Yakisoba haha.
Feb 10, 2019
Normie is just a sanitized version of normalfag that normalfags came up with so that they could pretend to be contrarian "outcasts" on facebook and reddit for attention. The "fag" suffix isn't even always used to denigrate or insult other people. For example, you often see openings like "richfag here ..." or "castlefag here ..." in discussions. Those just flow better than "I'm a person who is wealthy and ..." or "I'm that guy from a few threads ago that's a castle enthusiast and ..."

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