I'll Save This Damned Family!

Active member
Aug 12, 2019
Im too small brain to understand how dumb the FL is when she’s supposed to be smart. Or this is the wrong story
Feb 1, 2020
what? things don't magically work out for our isekaied protag? her knowledge is not omniscient, her plans not fool-proof?

darn, that's realistic. and pretty rare for these kinds of stories.
Apr 21, 2020

Um is that literally the only thing you can focus on? Her size? I mean it is a part of her story but like it's pretty insignificant.

This ain't your first comment talking about it so I'm wondering if you're alright? Have you never seen a "bigger" person before? Is it uncommon where you're from? Is that why it bothers you so much?

I mean I expected talk about her actual character and yknow the plot and stuff but I guess you're too busy looking at her nice thicc ass and tits to notice. Can't blame you though, she really does look stunning with them curves.

Really diversifies the heroines found in this genre.
Jun 6, 2019
Lord ahh mercy @harospex why are you saying such vile things. I don’t know if you consider them as vile because it’s a 2D character but there are REAL PEOPLE in REAL LIFE that look like the MC. They are absolutely fine and beautiful the way and they have feelings just like everyone else.

I would honestly recommend you ask yourself why you think the way you do about fat or big people and why you are bothered by their eating habits.

The mess you’ve been writing in this comment section is deadass disgusting, I hope you take the time to re-evaluate yourself and your views.
Apr 25, 2018
God, I can’t, the second hand embarrassment... Girl is so embarrassing 😭 I feel for herrrrr
In a way, I admire her but at the same time ughhhh she should just give up on her family and save herself. I don’t even understand why she bother
Oct 8, 2019
I feel so bad for her and I am totally waiting for character development.
I feel as though she will learn much more and understand much more.
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
@K00K13 @Oyinsco
> This ain't your first comment talking about it so I'm wondering if you're alright?
> I guess you're too busy looking at her nice thicc ass and tits to notice.
> The mess you’ve been writing in this comment section is deadass disgusting, I hope you take the time to re-evaluate yourself and your views.

Calling a fictional character fat isn't a justification to personally attack someone and submit false reports.
You're both commentbanned for a week, try to be more polite when you come back.
Group Leader
May 25, 2020
Why she rounded up rice ball
Sep 9, 2019
🤣🤣🤣🤣 She is not stupid at all but he embarrassed the shot out of her 😂😂 I am very interested in how they will interact in the future also if she could keep up with him. I really hope so, they would make a great power couple
May 11, 2019
@Buttsbuttsbuttsbutts Of course you're entitled to think he's stupid and arrogant, but on what grounds when the reason why you're thinking that way is because of your misunderstanding? Your comprehension does not equal the writer's incompetence. The readers need to be on the same page as the writer to understand what they write, so if you can't comprehend the Prince's question, it's on your inability to understand.

Elaboration under the spoiler tag because my comment's long.

I understand he does not want a literal word count, but that is actually worse. In this scene, he is belittling her for not being able to produce a word count of what he has said- which honestly very few people could- and then the answer he expects to be correct is factually wrong if she truly was able to keep a word count in her head.

This is going to be a repeat of what I said before: his question isn't meant to be taken literally. When he says, "what words did I say most",
"words" here actually means "what he mentions"-
therefore factually, the question he is asking is "what did I mention most?"

So no, the answer he is looking for, that isn't a word count, isn't "factually wrong" at all- it is your misinterpretation of his question that is making you think it is. While you're giving that as the reason why you find his ways stupid ( caused by your misunderstanding), I can give you an actual reason why you should find it to be the opposite of stupid.

If you want me to spell it out, that question is a set up for her to realize what caused everything. By telling her about her confidence in her knowledge, he's rooted out the problem of her problems, the source of what is or would land her (and others, because of her) in danger. In vicious high society, ignorant confidence is a dangerous mindset to have as you don't consider possibilities or question what you already know. He proves his point when he reveals the situation she has put her servant in which she didn't think or worry anything about before. At the same time he's saying that that conceited mindset is the catalyst and therefore doubles this as a lesson to her: she's getting someone else in trouble under her orders that she didn't doubt in being a success. If you want me to go into further detail, the writer, by setting up the question about being too confident in one's knowledge, has simultaneously made this so the audience can learn a little more about ML and his experiences.

And I guess you're entitled to compare manhwas with each other, but c'mon. This particular manhwa isn't here to cater to what you like, or do what will make this manhwa as popular as all the other manhwas you named. You're talking about the meme-ish comedy in beware the villainess or the subtlety in the villainess reverses the hourglass as if this manhwa doesn't have its own version of those characteristics. Judging by the titles you named, you're asking for a fantasy level story in an isekai that's doing a more realistic take, it's like you're looking for vegetables in the snack aisle.

Unlike the typical, this one has a realistic heroine who isn't a Mary Sue and whose problems doesn't revolve around being the victim- things don't work out for her or get solved easily- plus the ML is very independent and isn't taking the heroine's side, all of which is rare and different writing for this genre. If you think ML is being arrogant, you're taking things at a superficial level. Instead of thinking that, you should realize what he is actually doing- he's making her think, he's not spoon feeding her, and yes, he's making it hard for her. That isn't what you can call doing things with arrogance. I hope you can appreciate this manhwa somehow, instead of thinking you're above this manhwa's writer.
May 15, 2019
I read untill chap 41 and can say this is my taste. ML and FL are so clever till i feel stupid lmao
Jan 27, 2020
Don't read this, the ML or the prince is competent. Will do as a good emperor. But the fact that the Mc takes mental abuse and that he blatantly don't respect any person he meets is not a good sign.
As of the last chapter I don't find anyone that he treated as he should, taking consideration where he was, as his authority of Second, not crown, prince.
For all she knows, and as an modern person, the fact that she could bear to be with him, as shown in the Prologue is an insult to the reader and the FM.

I don't find fault with his actions or how he handed all of that, just that he doesn't deserve the position of ML or any lead for that matter.
The worst fact in this book is that the MC take the whole abuse she received as Mercy, remember, she IS NOT A MIDDLE AGE PERSON. She does not even recent him.

This is too much for my mind. There's a lot of gems in this site to lose times with dust.

The author can make him a Saint later on, but that will not change that he: abused the MC, she took it as mercy, and he didn't treated the ppl well, remember he's only a second prince, the other side is a count family.

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