Right. This is the home stretch. I only wonder if the manga will continue after this next major arc. There's a clear stopping point if it decides to take it. I don't think they've said anything about covering all 5 books. I've always assumed we'd cover the first 2 and the epilogues.
Man, magic breakers are such a problem in this reality that I start to wonder why isn't Rae going for more physical one-trick ponies.
Sure, AltLily can stop a magic spell like it's nothing, but can she stop a flashbang to the face?
Followed by generous application of pepper spray?
Well, I don't like this, another complete ass pull. If you go for the most contrived turn of events every time, then it's just simply a bunch of nonsense, not a clever story.
Man, magic breakers are such a problem in this reality that I start to wonder why isn't Rae going for more physical one-trick ponies.
Sure, AltLily can stop a magic spell like it's nothing, but can she stop a flashbang to the face?
Followed by generous application of pepper spray?
this also isn't the whole fight. In the light novel there's a bit of combat and then Alter pulls out an mp pot. But because Alter can use time magic the mp pot gets restored. It's something of a stalemate because Alter can't protect Salas and really attack anyone and then the volcano finally erupts. Salas and Alter get away but unfortunately there's people that die in the eruption.
Right. This is the home stretch. I only wonder if the manga will continue after this next major arc. There's a clear stopping point if it decides to take it. I don't think they've said anything about covering all 5 books. I've always assumed we'd cover the first 2 and the epilogues.
I wanna believe we have a decent chance. A couple of long term stories in Yuri Hime are in hiatus or finally finishing up so they might keep ILTV going just so there's another anchor. Not to mention that recent chapters have been taking their time to breath instead of being pushed out at one chapter per volume.
They really had us novel readers for a second with the Thane lookalike. I guess it all fits back together in the end.
I do think that once this is all over Rae owes Lily an apology for acting this way towards her, although I don't think it's reasonable for her to have predicted the split personality thing either.
having Lily genderswap breaks later events. Also having the trigger phrase be Lord have Mercy but Lily and the church are never handled correctly at all.
meet half the reason i think Lily is competing for the worst character in the story alongside the Pope, Silas (who ironically is the only one who sucks because hes actually a PoS), and The Yandere.
because Lily was literally an unplanned throwaway character for the author to bitch about the Japanese LGBT community who they kept around for romance tropes and they welded the Nur Agent to her. the Mask isnt even a thing in the books.
Because this isn't just a game world anymore and many things happen that aren't expected. The Masked person has always been an anomaly that Rae couldn't understand right from the start. They didn't appear in the game--Rae said as much when she saw them the first time.
this also isn't the whole fight. In the light novel there's a bit of combat and then Alter pulls out an mp pot. But because Alter can use time magic the mp pot gets restored. It's something of a stalemate because Alter can't protect Salas and really attack anyone and then the volcano finally erupts. Salas and Alter get away but unfortunately there's people that die in the eruption.
Tbf Rod's a good guy when his head's not up his ass but Rae's a super biased narrator.
I wanna believe we have a decent chance. A couple of long term stories in Yuri Hime are in hiatus or finally finishing up so they might keep ILTV going just so there's another anchor. Not to mention that recent chapters have been taking their time to breath instead of being pushed out at one chapter per volume.
Regardless of the outcome, lilly WILL come out of this heavily traumatized after learning what she did when she was not herself. I can't see her forgiving herself.