I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

Active member
Jan 14, 2019
@Purplelibraryguy I can see your point however they are making alterations to satisfy their cultural standards and I am fine with this. While the rest of the world is attempting to placate everyone and make everything safe Japan doesn't care for the most part. If it makes money they will alter something if it meats their cultural ideals they will change something. Its technically still being safe but in a different way. We in the west try to make everything safe so everyone doesnt get insulted like the fucking snowflakes a large percent of htem are while japan is simply altering things in their stories because it fits their cultural standards of beauty or morals. I think its less that they fear the dark skinned protag not selling more and instead that they think lesser of dark skin. In asia the paler skin you have the more beautiful you are considered. Also my opinions on this topic revolve around my culture and the west not japans. So view my comments on PC as someone speaking about it from their PoV. At the end of the day it might well be PC or Safe in their country but I view it as not because of the environment and culture I was raised in. PC for 1 culture might not be PC for another and thats ok. Im bad at words so basically PC for them but not for us and that was the basis of my argument. Im viewing this topic as an outsider to Japanese culture whose culture views their actions as inherently not PC.
Aggregator gang
Jun 26, 2019
they're being dicks because it's the safe way to go along to get along, because they fear sticking to a dark skinned heroine would be difficult or controversial or cost sales.

You dont understand.

There is no controvercy involving black people in Japan. An average person living in a big city is likely to see a black person once a year, maybe.

Making your lead black is unsafe in the same way as making them bright pink.

Please dont force your view of the world on other countries.
Oct 8, 2019
its annoyinh when they accuse mc for being ruthless just be she has dark.skin/ blessed by the dark.king.

and the fact that it was all based on RUMORS.

i mean, those people should really grow up.


plus mc doesnt need to explain herself / prove herself every time she meets.new people...


(regardless, thaaaaank you so much for the.updaaaatesss... 😊😊)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@plastic_sludge Pile of nonsense. It's not like the Japanese have never heard of dark-complexioned people. Nor is it the case that there isn't a single one in Japan. Dark people exist, the Japanese know they exist, and they apparently don't want them to be in their media to the point where, when someone did introduce a dark-coloured heroine, they made some alterations to make her be less like that, and apparently this is not a one-off phenomenon. If it was like what you're saying, they wouldn't have bothered because there would be no reason to. It's not like the Japanese would have problem with a bright pink protagonist--if it was that, they would have left it alone.
It's much like North America, really. For a long time, and really still, you got very few black characters in US TV shows, and hardly any Asian ones, not because the executives hate blacks particularly, but because the perception was they wouldn't sell as well because it was assumed (or perhaps focus-grouped) that the audience wouldn't like it--wouldn't identify with them, wouldn't self-insert, would be racist about it. And so they did the safe thing, because they sure as hell weren't being paid to do the right thing. Until backlash changed what was safe, and now lots of Americans are bitching how instead of it being unsafe to do the right thing it's unsafe to do the racist thing, or unsafe to do the queer-bashing thing, or whatever. Boo fucking hoo.

But in Japan racism (against anyone associated with the outside, even if they've been there for generations, like say lots of Koreans) is still the safe, largely invisible choice; so is sexism and a few other things. But that doesn't mean ethics becomes fundamentally different in Japan. People are people, no matter what culture you're in the just thing would be to treat them equally no matter race, gender, money, or whatever the fuck, and no matter what the culture the people on the "getting stepped on" end aren't going to be happy about it, whether or not they've got enough clout to make it "controversial". Not liking being pissed on is not a "Western" thing. You can only talk about all this stuff being "Western" and other cultures being fundamentally different by disappearing the people on the "getting reamed" end, ie by agreeing that they're not real people, not really part of culture X. To put it a different way, when we say "Japanese" culture is just inherently some way that we'd think of as racist, sexist or such, what we mean is Japanese top dog culture is like that, and we don't care what the Japanese people they're discriminating against might think. No culture is a monolith, there are always people riding high and people getting screwed, and there is always dissent against that (and propaganda for it).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
That annoing light heroine bitch, get the fuck out of the last panel, we don't want you in our story about becoming wholesome. Cunt.
Active member
Aug 16, 2019
Mhm... the shortest battle i've ever seen in manga lol. But it was written like that so... can't blame them lol
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
just a single campaign... they've could've hyped it up more to make it more significant. like something destroying the enemies front line or that MC had to endure a campaign that stretched for a month. unless it's by sea fare, I doubt it would take that long to reach borders
Jan 18, 2018
Oh boy I can't wait for the inevitable shitstorm the next chapter is going to cause.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
The heroine used growl, mc's attack lowered by one step.
Jokes on her, mc is already super weak and delegates all of her fighting to her dark-type pokemon

Dark-type pokemon are far too op, I remember dragon type being where it was at, but then suddenly dark came and made dragon types obsolete. Sure, they are weak to both fighting and bug, but there are no good bug-type pokemon (you can always switch to something that beats them easily), and nullifying psychic entirely is just wow. The lesser amount of resistances is a bit sad, but not that horrible compared to dragons weakness to ice (ice beam OP and easy to learn).
In comparison, hereoines light-type pokemon is probably psychic (fire should already exist as another element, and electric seems wrong too), making it nullified.
Nov 26, 2019
Uh-oh... The light b*tch is jealous. I bet she's gonna spread some bullshit about the MC, saying that she's a monster who killed thousands of soldiers in cold blood or something like that....
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
seeing Claudia get the loves she deserves!! 😍😍😍 YEASSS!!!!!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
why are the antagonists always so petty? you’ve been in 2 bodies for long enough to give birth to some of the people in this comment section without being put on mtv, just accept that shit did not go as planned and grow up.

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