Only subject that matters in this chapter is... the character's skin color?
Reading the comments, that is all people cared about.
For me, that's a bit sad as I liked the distinct look she had, but I don't see this as "whitewashing" or anything of the sort. She never was racially "black" to begin with, neither in origin (her whole lineage was "white" and her skin tone was darkened by the dark spirit king's blessing), nor in actual look (she was more tan than downright "black"). Now that the light spirit king (queen?) also bestowed a blessing, a change was bound to happen and I agree that changing the hair would have been a better choice. But I just consider it a bad aesthetic choice by my own subjective standard. Nothing more.
Now, the point that is actually interesting is the change of behavior in her surroundings, which shows the superficiality of their attitude towards the MC.
All those who only changed attitude after the light spirit recognized her as worthy of trust are shallow and don't really deserve her forgiveness. They see her skin changed by the light spirit and decide that now is the time to trust her. Not judging her by her actions, but by following the judgement of someone else who, for all they know, is equally as fickle as they are themselves.
Her family
might deserve a second chance, but it's a chance they will have to earn over time. They can't just come and say: "we trust you now, so you have to forgive us". For all she knows, their newfound "trust" could go away as fast as it came become they don't actually trust her. They trust the light spirit. Or, if I'm cynical, they "trust" her because she has friends in very high places (two spirits kings, and one human royal family). Ambition speaking louder than distrust.
However, she should not despair too much at how superficial her family is. She did earn some true friends who judged her by her character over her appearance and her spirit patron. Those she can trust and build solid relationships with, even though it's sad when you are not loved by your own family. She will definitely need time to adjust to having people around her who will seem interested in getting close to her though. In particular, she will need to develop the skill to recognize who is just acting with ulterior motives and who is truly trying to befriend her. That was easier when there was nobody in the first category.