I'm not so happy with the execution.
First of all it was clear in the previous chapters that the discrimination Claudia faced was linked to the dark spirit king protection and not to her appearance per se, but her aspect just announced to the world that she is the one protected by the the Darkness SK
Also it was stated that it wasn't only her skin to cause discrimination but her EYES and HAIRS too. Just whitening her skin but without changing the other aspects wouldn't be enough to reverse discrimination story wise. Not without what happened become of public knowledge, after that even if her aspect was the same, she would have been met with a shifted disposition (so without invalidating the next story arc).
Another point is: Gerald embraced her with his protection, a sort of Higher Order blessing, that give her that appearance. Grace instead just gave her a normal/small blessing, and it seems strange that this would have caused a shift of her skin colour so much. If the author would have a significant marker to show about this then maybe it could have being a small birthmark (on the face or on one hand) on the skin and a small group of hair becoming blonde/white, while still showing the predominance of the DSK blessing.
P.S Too late, too little is a boss response in this kind of situation. Also Amelia: "Grace end her", Grace : "NO", Ok I'm dead