35話②更新しました。ようやく二人の仲直りが実現し、大団円で幕を閉じましたね! ということで今回で回想話はおしまい。次回からはようやく元の時系列である2年の学園祭終了直後に戻ります。皆さま大変お待たせいたしました! #さらなみ #意味がわかると怖い話
Chapter 35② has been updated. The two have finally reconciled, bringing the story to a grand conclusion! With that, the flashback arc comes to an end. Next time, we’ll finally return to the original timeline, right after the second-year school festival. Thank you all for your patience! #Saranami #AStoryThatBecomesScaryWhenYouUnderstandIt
Lmao didnt expect that but thank god. Prob a minority here but i still think HikarixYuu will be the end game.
From what we have seen so far, yes lol. If she can forgive Yami for that shitty prank she pull and then becoming her best friend, she can forgive anything. She is literal angel lolNow Hikari, do you still that woman after witnessing what happened?