In Another World, I'm Called: the Black Healer - Vol. 6 Ch. 42

Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
I can kinda understand Milly, because she is not only from a different culture but a different species even. But Renee should be way more upset about a bunch of innocent people being killed it and I hope the next chapters talk about it more and it isn't just swept under the rug
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
Why is Viola acting like that? Is the author trying to build her up to be another villain?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
Q by viola : why current demon lord like reene (looking from power perspective)
A : reene can kill people simply by cut their artery or cut their nervous system

modern knowledge is OP
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
i gotta take the demonfolk side on this, living hundreads or thousands of years just to find ur soulmate, then thinking of something bad happening to them would obviously break them, no wonder they are all a bit yandere for their important persons
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
for an isekai, this story is really focused on the relationship between the 2 MCs huh... ?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
So many panels where they go "kyaa kyaaaa" there
bah! That just show how foolish reene is, here in this world the ones with power, disappear ppl like nothing when they want it.

@givemersspls not knowing the law does not exempt you from abiding to it. so that king not knowing reene was "related" to the demon folk doesn't make him innocent, and in RL innocent ppl gets dragged in the consequences of others mistake, nothing new nothing unbelievable happened in this chapter.
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
I'm with givemersspls on this. The subject was handled poorly.
Jun 25, 2018
Noche has a completely different mindset than Reene who came from modern society with different morals/ethics. I dont know what japanese citizens think about the death penality and im from a country where it doesnt exist but i think she is more worried about the fact that Noche snapped and destroyed the whole castle taking innocent people lives as well cause they might not have been there out of their free will as well. I think she would feel less guilty when he just went and killed the king an left a message like:"i wont tolerate anymore of such behavior:" but try to stop someone who is like a god with only the powers of a human. She can only prevent such things by talking to him now to minimalize future casualities

Edit: This is a manga so what kind of manga would it be without a "yandere" folk xD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
Now all she needs to do in order to prevent the next apocalypse of that world is to invent cloning magic and give Noche a harem of Reenes
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Welp, I was gonna rant a bit, but you summarized it all right there.
The only thing I want to add, that having to read the same line of "well it was HIS fault that..." was like drinking bleach. The MC is expressing that the situation could've been dealt with much more appropriately, and the people around her keep circling back to "...But, it's that guy's fault."

I recently had several conversations like that. In which I could only reply: "Yes, in isolation, what you're saying is right. But that isn't the point, here."
P.S: I actually forgot the best part.
"It was his fault that he messed with a god's girlfriend"
That line was so precious, the logic is so warped, that it was like a Chinese wuxia novel's villain staple line: "You only have to blame yourself for being so weak!"
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
"because of basic, universal principles of the value of life, the value of freedom, etc."
Basic universal rights in no way exist. Rights are given by pieces of paper enforced by government bodies. If we actually believed in universal rights we would be marching down Africa punishing everyone who has ever committed female genital mutilation, and sexual slavery would no longer exist. You think every human life matters because you were raised in a culture where every human life has that, this is not the case in the vast majority of human history let alone right now worldwide. You can be disgusted with what he did but universal rights in no way exist.
"Take this from someone who is almost a lawyer."
It makes far more sense where your silly basic, universal human rights line came from now. Definitely an "almost" alright.

This entire fantasy world is built on a medieval sense of government and serfdom, compounded by the fact that a universal concept of equality literally can't exist due to there being literally god's chosen running around, and a single individual that can at any moment destroy the entire world. To project silly modernist logic to the situation is retarded.

And to take this point even further, again, rights don't exist without a backing up of violence (fine, jail time, execution) by government bodies. With Noche being completely and utterly unstoppable by anyone he can not be punished for anything he's done. You can cry that it wasn't fair but fair only exists when pieces of paper says it exists.

If you want to argue about if it's morally right or wrong then don't mention being a lawyer as it is completely and utterly unrelated.
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
[Insert wall of text about a manga's controversial chapter on the subject of mass murder and justifications]

RIP cute maids.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
I don’t get why she’s blaming herself?
Nothing she could’ve said or done would’ve prevented it...
Only in the case she knew he was unsettled about this matter(that he came to know about it in a bad way) or had he shared his worries/anxieties, or had they discussed the matter previously- only then could she have “talked it out”, or calmed him down....
In this particular case she has nothing to regret, other than - being more open about thoughts to your partner/ talking more , discussing things more
In future to prevent any such occurrence, that’s the only option she has-
She has to fill in the hole, their lack of communication has created
They belong to different worlds literally, and to think he’s a demon king, the foundation of the world along with Gaia (the god)... he’s like the VVVIP, no- the most important person alive! In the whole world, and he’s also treated as such, of course he’d get carried away!
No one’s even there to reprimand him on his mistakes, no one’s as powerful as him, or courageous enough to criticise or deny him ( well, other than our MC Misuzu Kanzaki, who got him in 1st meeting, when he played around with Noel). He’s spoiled, basically & only she can “treat” this (hail black healer-sama! Lol)
No, srly I hope she gets him better, cuz if he gets crazy- it’s the end of the world!
They should probably introduce psycho-analysis and therapy in demon castle, then the king ( who always tends to get “mad”, will probably bear better) - another hope that I hope Misuzu fulfills ?

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