@Umetsu Like that Rank One Battle Puppet that is said to be comparable to a Holy Race soldier but runs out of juice in 15 minutes? Those things are also said to cost a fortune or two to make and they are the BEST killer robots the humanity had at the time. Also, I missed it, when was it said that all weak angels suddenly became equals or superior to Earth ones? If I remember right, everyone was impressed with the Hamster's growth, but noone was saying that she became as strong as an Earth tier angel.
Also, I can buy the current fleets taking a dive because they grew complacent as there are no Holy races to kill and they don't get much funding, but one of the strongest and richest nations around can thank the Holy race tech leftovers for their power, not the Human tech leftovers.
I still don't understand how humans could kill them off if they were numerous enough and under assumption that their officers, generals, champions and maybe own killer robots surpassed their regular soldiers.