Isekai de Haishin Katsudou wo Shitara Tairyou no Yandere Shinja wo Umidashite Shimatta Ken - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
sex work is work guys
ig praise for degrading yourself for degens
im not saying demonize them but streamer is just simp playing it safe
pretty much praising the work, when the prostitute getting all enamored was exploited at childhood and forced into that situation
-and the people around her probably sex trafficked or groomed to be in that spot
its the good ol liberal mindset where you pretend the minority of sex workers that actually love having to degrade themselves daily in camera set the standard for how good the job actually is
-btw some of whom are paid to literally p*ss or sh*t themselves b/c degens are almost always the highest payers (cuz hardly any potential significant other would want to act out these disturbed fetishes)

all that aside, did you guys know degenerate is deemed a 0 tolerance word by Riot games
say it in your League of Legends game and see what happens.
He actually mentioned that they were probably forced into it.

And his idea is that EVERYONE should be respected. He literally spreads the idea that rich or poor, people of any race or social class should be treated with respect.

He wasn't supporting the industry as much as he was against people insulting them or treating them with no respect.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
I am guessing the princess just sees him as something like a friend who shares values.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
I have a feeling that the proustite is likely not an actual yandere, given her life experiences I would think that she is more of a fanatic that isn't considered a yandere. The other yandere tend to be people of power who don't have much experience humbling themselves, so they will be likely possessive of those they like. Where as she has been humbled and is thankful and in love with him, but likely doesn't have the disposition of a yandere.
I think if they don't make her a yandere then the story would be better for it. Just another obsessive fanatic would be fine though.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I don't care what "most men" would or wouldn't want to marry, nor is it germane to any point I've made.
You keep appealing to Japanese culture as an explanation for the characterization of that mob character. I'm arguing that it's a connection that doesn't make sense-- the protagonist is literally Japanese and doesn't make that argument. It's not even a sentiment that's exclusive to Japan, and there's no reason why it would be exclusive to it.

I think we've both spent more than enough time splitting this particular hair.
You're the only one of us that had to play the "technically" game when you could have just dropped it as a flubbed point-- don't talk about hairsplitting with me.

Hospitals were a huge disease vector--
Why are you trying to compare an institution that exists for the express purpose of healing disease that for a time unwittingly spread it, with an institution where the spread of disease isn't antithetical to its nature and is often regarded as a secondary consequence?

I'm actually flabbergasted, right now. Where did this come from? Hospitals, for all their problems, provide substantially greater and more positive value to society than prostitution, and always did.

Crime exists. This doesn't prove that efforts to mitigate crime are useless. Similarly, the recruitment of trafficking victims within the Netherlands (to whatever extent this happens) doesn't suggest that decriminalization, licensing and regulation don't work.
Neither demonstrated not agreed upon.
We both linked to the same material about human trafficking in the Netherlands-- a country that explicitly legalized and regulates prostitution. You're insisting that regulating it mitigates trafficking (or at least that we haven't proved it doesn't), but not only does the industry there benefit from trafficking from without, trafficking also still takes place from within.

Your first response option is to compare trafficking statistics before and after its legalization (we'll focus on explicit legalization, since it was the case that they were on-and-off about abiding prostitution for centuries before (until 2000) deciding to not touch it unless it "disturbed the social order"). I can't quite get you that, myself, but I'm not plumb out of evidence to consider: since its proper legalization in 2000, officials have been complaining about the growing violence in the industry, with some attributing it to illegal immigration. Former prostitutes that became Labour Party councilors noted a significant intersection between prostitution and organized crime. The Amsterdam government actually cracked down on brothels because of this; at some point, Amsterdam closed down half its licensed brothels because of suspected criminal activity.

Your second response option is to assert without evidence that it "would have been worse" if it was straightforwardly illegal. Meanwhile, it's the case that the legal industry benefits from the actions of the illegal industry-- that, or the existence of the legal industry hasn't obviated the illegal industry, which is why the latter still exists and operates within the country.

As demonstrated, both are true. And to undermine your second response option, longtime prostitutes have argued that the legalization in 2000 made the industry worse, attributing this worsening to foreigner organized criminals figuring that they have a degree of legal cover because of the legalization of the institution. And expecting prostitutes to pay their taxes just made them resort to methods to avoid taxation, so their government doesn't even get to waste their money.

It's because of the former explanation (the legal benefits from the illegal) that I reckoned that the legal industry is effectively a front (however unwitting) for the illegal industry, that in fact confounds efforts to mitigate human sex trafficking while continuing to indirectly justify it through its own continued operation.

That's why they both still exist in that area, and it's why the illegal still operates at a concerning level.

I think if they don't make her a yandere--
90/10 she's a yandere. I've seen the author's catalogue and even read most of one of his WNs-- yandere is his thing.
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Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
And that's the last yandere, now it's just a waiting game till his identity leaks out again I guess, dont think itll take very long tbh all it takes is one slip and these ladies will have his homeadress his shoe size and a DNA sample
How do we know that's the last one?
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
This chapter was a "current year", liberal feminist twitter activist's fever dream.
TBH, Streamer felt like he was coming out of twitter this whole time. The entire premise of the hyper progressive-ism in the plot, whether it references IRL or not, has that twitter activist feel to it.
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
ARealCoolGuy is right. This series is entertaining enough so far, but the stupidity of Streamer's content is a huge obstacle. It's not a matter of his views, which have been anodyne to a fault, but rather their expression. I can't believe that anyone would voluntarily listen to him, much less fall helplessly in love. Worst part is that it wouldn't be at all hard to write him some halfway decent material.
We are gonna have a plot twist that the device he made has magical properties he didn't understand at the time of his isekai.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
The moment I saw this chapter and the number of comments I knew something spicy had to happen. Yet
I'm surprised that the idea of "everyone deserves respect, no exceptions" is a controversial one. According to the comments, at least.
are my thoughts exactly. You see prostitutes in like 1 of a 100 rom manga because japanese in general are also pretty adverse of this type of work, and some people's mind immediately explode. I'm glad it seems that most people here are ok with what the MC states.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 16, 2019
Chapter wasn't actually that bad until they pulled out the damsel in distress bs. Nothing to be interested in next chapter.
Double-page supporter
Jun 28, 2023
"sex work is real work!"
"sex work is a vital profession like any other!"
"if you don't want to marry sex workers, you are a bigot misogynist!"

This chapter was a "current year", liberal feminist twitter activist's fever dream.

Dropped. Don't even @ me, effeminate eunuchs, don't care.

EDIT: I am laughing at all the castrated bugmen ITT
I mean I get how some people can come off really annoying to say the least nowadays when it comes to that topic, though personally I thought it was just fine here nothing really came off as preachy.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2023
For some of the talk about how MC-kun (and Author) has a streaming M.O. that isn't very streamer-like, their streams sure does reflect the drama that "real" streams evoke in people.

Like holy crap we're at page 6 here. I was chewing on some gummy bears in amusement when we were page 4. Now we're at Page 6 and I upgraded to white cheddar popcorn.

Some people have some really hot takes. Some people has dedicated way too much brain power to overthink the whole thing about Sex workers. I am also sure that there are just some who are maintaining it because of sunk cost fallacy.

All in all, it doesn't really matter. I enjoyed what I read. This is an entertainment medium that has entertained me.

As for the TLs, thank you for the TL. Wish they release more chapters out faster but considering I'm consuming the content for free, I am not gonna be complaining too hard on it.

For the upcoming stuff, I'm sure that they're gonna start honing in as to who MC-kun really is (Streamer). I do wonder who will get the next Eureka moment...

Random thought: Out of all the Yan-harem, I do feel like it's the Demon Lord that will have the hardest time getting to spend time with MC-kun. What kind of reasoning will she give to spend time in some random (to others) Human school? She's the leader of an entire race...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Let's be real, in the same way that one day every coal miner will hear their doctor say "You know, if we replaced your lungs with two tin cans you would be healthier", prostitutes will never have a proper family, unless they get unbelievable rich or marry another sex worker(in which case we will get two people who regret their choice in the same family, so like normal).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2019
You guys think this chapter is gonna get the manga axed? Feels like most harem manga don't include prostitutes in the main cast for a reason, as we're seeing in this comment section lol. Tbh still worst girl so far though, just cause like...what's a prostitute gonna do compared to the demon king, a princess, a saintess, and an assassin? Like talk about coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
You guys think this chapter is gonna get the manga axed? Feels like most harem manga don't include prostitutes in the main cast for a reason, as we're seeing in this comment section lol. Tbh still worst girl so far though, just cause like...what's a prostitute gonna do compared to the demon king, a princess, a saintess, and an assassin? Like talk about coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
Probably some bomb ass sex compared to the not so experienced Demon King, Princess, Saintess, and Assassin.

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