Isekai ni Otosareta… Jouka wa Kihon! - Ch. 18.2

Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
Thanks for the chapter and all the effort. Just a few words:
... we mainly release chapters on our website.
Sorry, but if you don't usually release on MangaDex, and only use here to try fishing people to your external site then you don't have the 'right' for a series. Do you disagree? Fight me. LOL
But really, releasing a chapter every 3 months to retain a series as yours, while redirecting to your personal / monetary site is a little scummy. Also, I'm on MangaDex, I will not get out of my way to other site to read 'pirated' manga.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
So, they had a lot of chapters already updated on their site, even more than were translated here, but since they can't mantain the site properly they are updating them here to try and bring people back there?

Well... the sites that are more successful in bringing readers to them, as far as I remember, post them here just as frequently as on their site, just add a warning that they are one or two chapters ahead already on their site.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018

I want egg fry rice.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
If the uploaders are reading this- yeah, same as what the others say. I won't say I've NEVER gone to an uploader's website, but it's not often, and the ones that I have gone to post regularly HERE, and don't try to hold a ton of chapters hostage for particularly long. I'm a patient guy and have other things to do with my time, I can wait. I don't want to deal with all those popups and potential I just won't.

If another team uploads faster with decent enough translation? I'mma read that one and keep kickin'.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 16, 2023
Didn't Haikai release it first, two months ago, with 12.1? Before that was Knox's chapter 11 "last year"?

Also, I'm on MangaDex, I will not get out of my way to other site to read 'pirated' manga.


Almost exactly six months to be precise (Sauce).

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Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
To the uploader,
It honestly came off as weird/phishing when you uploaded 18.1 instead of 17.2, following the previous schedule you were uploading to.
It doesn't make any sense to stockpile and upload chapters when your site is down, and like @PhoenixDen said, it would've been better for you to drip feed/staggered the feed to mangadex with the newest chapter on your site.
I'm not even sure I understand the logic to stockpile while your site is down, cause you could've just fed it to mangadex while advertising your discord
Dex-chan lover
Mar 2, 2020
Left right up or down, it isn't for us to say. We just read the works.

The groups will figure things out on their own. To be frank, it's not like we're paying. If both opt to continue their releases, then both continue and visa versa.

More drama, and in a field predominantly known for recreation, is the last thing people need in their lives.
File Attacher
Super Moderator
Jan 20, 2018
And MangaDex has this rule where you can pick up a series if it hasn't been active for more than 3 months

Actually no, there has never been a rule about whether you can pick a series up or not, that has always only been an unofficial courtesy thing among the scanlators.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
Still feels really scummy that theyre only uploading to mangadex since they have no other option atm. Haikai has been steadily uploading all this time then out of nowhere Hunlight shows up with a mass dump that wasnt released on any of the other manga sites. Just feels really scummy and kind of stepping over the group thats been working on it diligently
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
I don't give a sht if there's a scanlator this and that or website go kaboom.
So long as we read high quality and readable (understandable) translation then its fine by me.
I am a simple man

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