Isekai Walking - Vol. 8 Ch. 69 - Special Slave

Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2020
Chattel slavery is the specific form of slavery where slaves are treated as property of the slave owners. In the vast majority of the world, this form of slavery is very rare and even looked down upon. Perhaps you should learn more about the history of slavery where more than one form of slavery actually exists.

Here, educate yourself:
Are you saying this is what is being portrayed in the series? Because kidnapped children that were never seen again does not sound like they were afforded a kinship system. And the king didn’t seem like he was using the less extreme form.
And the special slave category is still obviously a slave, given the slave trading company facilitates it. So yes, they are still made property to be traded.
By the way, did you read this? Because it’s not disproving my point. The purpose and scale was different, but this article still describes it as an “oppressive and exploitative” system that was only intensified afterwards through increased labor demand.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
You don't play with diseases in your campaigns? slimy doom & filth fever might be the closes to dysentery.
Not normally, no. They're usually a pain to manage and, unless they're plot relevant, grind a campaign or session to a halt. Sometimes, though we use them for plot reasons or when our GM wants us to slow down.
I don't think it's unreasonable to roll the ideas both under the umbrella of "Slavery" for the sake of simplicity, even if it's less palatable in the West. The categories of slaves roughly correlate to indentured servitude (debt slaves) and apprenticeship for undocumented children(special slaves), and both categories have a definitive way out.
That's why I think it was being done here, putting everything under the "slavery" umbrella. Dunno if that's a japanese language quirk or what, but I agree it sometimes seen indenture in manga treated as slavery.
Lycanthropy, what makes you become a were-creature, is specifically cured by Remove Disease in 3.5e if done within a few days of getting afflicted. In fact, the 3.5 wiki has an entire page devoted to diseases.
That's why I said medieval (common) sicknesses instead of magical; the latter are still used from time to time. Still we don't use sicknesses often unless plot-relevant, reasons above.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
"Special slaves"

My dude. Did you have to phrase it like that? Slavery was already kinda ehhhhhhh but damn dawg.
Mar 10, 2018
In the novels it's narrated how Roxy had been living for that 1 month alone in the laberynth just before that so it didn't feel so in the nose like in the anime.
Oh, so is only an anime thing, good to know.
Active member
Dec 26, 2020
Your argument is moot to me.

Read the rest of what I said before you try and flare up like you actually have something to prove. It's how it is in the Manga's world, try and use that 1.5kg brick of meat and fat between your ears instead of just writing shit off just because.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2023
Oh look random out of place slavery in a isekai, who would have ever expected to see it.

"lets go for a walk."

Thanks everyone at Haikai Scans for the transition
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
Perhaps you've been reading too many stories using slavery as a hentai plot device. As this chapter itself states, the special category of slavery is specifically for underaged children to be under contract with an adult until they come of age so that they can be employed by owners of big shops as helpers. This does not involve some sort of magic slave mark or robbing of free will.

Nonsense. Slavery has been around for more than several thousand years, literally existing before anyone could even write, but it was only abolished less than a thousand years ago. If people had been denouncing it as abhorrent it would have been abolished a lot sooner.

No one is saying it's ok, just as no one is saying that goblins raping women are ok. Just because a manga depicts something doesn't mean that it is saying this is ok.

Once again, this is a fantasy world, and no one is saying that this is a good thing. It is simply understood as a common system existing within a medieval world.

In fact, chattel slavery in America specifically was a lot worse and a lot more abusive, which is why reactions towards slavery in the West was (and still is) very different from the rest of the world, since much of the world actually took care of their slaves as actual humans, and even allowed them to have their own property and family. It's not as simple as "slavery bad"
You’re talking above your pay grade. Chattel slavery in the Americas was based on Biblical slave rules. Rules which allowed barbarism, rape, and abuse sure. But Islamic slavery is the sequel to that and equally barbaric.

Sure there’s been kind people who have owned slaves, but every culture that engages in slavery has had cruelty and abuse and evil. The Japanese view in their fiction, towards slavery, is misguided and ignorant.

Slavery is evil. Period. Defending slavery is like defending a Nazi. It’s something good people would never do.
Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
You’re talking above your pay grade. Chattel slavery in the Americas was based on Biblical slave rules. Rules which allowed barbarism, rape, and abuse sure. But Islamic slavery is the sequel to that and equally barbaric.

Sure there’s been kind people who have owned slaves, but every culture that engages in slavery has had cruelty and abuse and evil. The Japanese view in their fiction, towards slavery, is misguided and ignorant.

Slavery is evil. Period. Defending slavery is like defending a Nazi. It’s something good people would never do.
Please point to me where in the Bible does it even allow anything close to chattel slavery. It's like you're saying such ridiculously absurd claims even when you have never actually read the Bible yourself. It's funny you should make that claim since chattel slavery didn't even exist in any medieval societies that were primarily Christian or Jewish.

I'm not sure I can take the opinions of someone like you so seriously when you obviously know nothing about the actual history or even practice of slavery.

It would be an even bigger joke if you think you're being a good person just by saying something so stupidly simple-minded as "slavery is evil."
Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
Are you saying this is what is being portrayed in the series? Because kidnapped children that were never seen again does not sound like they were afforded a kinship system. And the king didn’t seem like he was using the less extreme form.
And the special slave category is still obviously a slave, given the slave trading company facilitates it. So yes, they are still made property to be traded.
No, I'm saying that there are various types of slavery, and chattel slavery is only one of them, so not all slavery is chattel slavery as you make it out to be. Not all slavery makes people into property, as that is only what chattel slavery does.
By the way, did you read this? Because it’s not disproving my point. The purpose and scale was different, but this article still describes it as an “oppressive and exploitative” system that was only intensified afterwards through increased labor demand.
It's like you can't read and only focused on the words "oppressive and exploitative".
In the centuries before the arrival of European explorers, diverse American Indian groups lived in a wide range of social structures. Many of these socio-political structures included different forms of slavery or coerced labor, based on enslaving prisoners of war between conflicting groups, enforcing slavery within the class hierarchy of an empire, or forced tribute payments of goods or labor to demonstrate submission to a leader. However, like West and Central African slavery, American Indian slavery generally functioned within a more fluid kinship system in contrast to what later developed in the New World.
The oppressive and exploitative nature of slavery in the Americas was a later development. Like, read what was written before the above paragraph as well:
In contrast to the chattel slavery that later developed in the New World, an enslaved person in West and Central Africa lived within a more flexible kinship group system. Anyone considered a slave in this region before the trans-Atlantic trade had a greater chance of becoming free within a lifetime; legal rights were generally not defined by racial categories; and an enslaved person was not always permanently separated from biological family networks or familiar home landscapes.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2020
No, I'm saying that there are various types of slavery, and chattel slavery is only one of them, so not all slavery is chattel slavery as you make it out to be. Not all slavery makes people into property, as that is only what chattel slavery does.

It's like you can't read and only focused on the words "oppressive and exploitative".

The oppressive and exploitative nature of slavery in the Americas was a later development. Like, read what was written before the above paragraph as well:
—-“Ultimately, the practice of slavery as an oppressive and exploitative labor system was prevalent in both Western Africa and the Americas long before the influence of Europeans. Still, the factors that defined the social, political, and economic purposes and scale of slavery significantly changed, expanded, and intensified with the rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and American plantation agriculture launched by European expansion.”

Edit: wait if you aren’t saying this has anything to do with the series why are you acting like people complaining in these comments are not open-minded enough about the “nuance” of slavery??
Group Leader
Apr 28, 2018
—-“Ultimately, the practice of slavery as an oppressive and exploitative labor system was prevalent in both Western Africa and the Americas long before the influence of Europeans. Still, the factors that defined the social, political, and economic purposes and scale of slavery significantly changed, expanded, and intensified with the rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and American plantation agriculture launched by European expansion.”

Edit: wait if you aren’t saying this has anything to do with the series why are you acting like people complaining in these comments are not open-minded enough about the “nuance” of slavery??
The big problem is that people automatically associate slavery with sex or abuse, or in your case, treating people as property, but this is not how slavery worked in the vast majority of cases.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Read the rest of what I said before you try and flare up like you actually have something to prove. It's how it is in the Manga's world, try and use that 1.5kg brick of meat and fat between your ears instead of just writing shit off just because.
Ooh, insults. I guess I should be offended.
Here: :mad:
Happy now?

Now, let's be serious for a moment. Much like you, I only quoted a part of your comment, but I read it entirely.
You, on the other hand, seems to not have read mine.

My point is that your arguments as to why he can't adopt (missing guild card in particular) should apply at least equally - if not way more - when going to enslave someone. Even if the slavery is "special". Otherwise any kidnapper can come along and "special"-enslave a child. Which is doubly worse than adopting one if this form of slavery is also enforced magically.

Slavery doesn't -or at the very least shouldn't - instantly solve problems that bureaucracy make mildly annoying. This would create a society where slavery is not only abhorrent, but outright open for abuse - I mean way more than it is by its very nature - since the "solutions" it offers are worse by several orders of magnitude than the problem it allegedly addresses.

As for the historicity of slavery, it's irrelevant here. This is a fantasy setting that is only somewhat inspired by european medieval standards. And the slavery here is different than it was then. (Or still is in some places of our own modern world.) Moreover, I don't necessarily have a problem with an anime character using slaves in some settings. I do have a problem in the case of isekai MCs, because they should know better. At the very least, like Sora in a previous chapter, they should be reticent unless it's a last resort. Or a psychopath.

See the Shield Hero for an example where it mostly works. Trapped in a world where he knows nobody, framed by the princess of the country that summoned him and despised by the other isekai'ed heroes - not people he knew - and told to fight for his life with 0 attack power - though he had a partial workaround for that. That was one cornered individual whose last resort was to buy a slave.
In comparison, Sora has a problem with the rulers of the country that summoned him, but the comparison stops here. He has already built trusting relationships with a few individuals, has civil relations with most others and is living an overall comfortable life. He isn't anywhere close to needing slavery unless the plot forces it on him in the worst way possible. Like telling him that he can't take care of a child he just saved unless he literally (re-)enslaves her.

Now, I hope you'll pardon me for not concluding with some braindead insult, as seems customary in your culture. :sneaky:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2023
Jesus christ guys, calm down. You guys are fighting over nothing. Just go read some other mangas instead of fighting with each other. Surely manga is more entertaining than internet fights, right? Do you need some suggestions? I have a few I can hand out if you're looking for more.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Slavery was actually a fact of life throughout the entire world until less than a few hundred years ago. Adoption in this case wouldn't work since Sora isn't even married, nor is he even of age anyway.

You know what else was common back then? Dysentery. How many light novels do we have where people are shitting themselves to death?
I wish I could like this comment multiple times.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Jesus christ guys, calm down. You guys are fighting over nothing. Just go read some other mangas instead of fighting with each other. Surely manga is more entertaining than internet fights, right? Do you need some suggestions? I have a few I can hand out if you're looking for more.
Considering these slavery ridden isekai stories we are reading, no they are not more interesting than internet fights.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
thanks for the chapter,
wow author wow ... what is wrong with these peoples, cant they imagen any other way to handle it? like he could adopt her or so? or finding a guardian ...
there stupid slave fetish
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
Many LN and WN are written by amateur writers. Who seems to be using troupes and cliches and other shortcuts to advance plots. But this is really... thoughtless... Undocumented children are among the most vulnerable group of people. To write that there is a "special class" of slavery to deal with this problem, it is such a thoughtless move. If there were no subversion of this in latter chapter. It would showed how unoriginal the writer is. I am surprised the editor let this through...

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