Not really true. If you followed global news or strategic prediction closely you will know that looming pandemic isn't a surprise threat at all. All of this was speculated, one way or another. COVID-19 is just the first one in modern era that the containment had failed for the virus that spread this fast.
Ebola is spread ways more terrifying than COVID-19, but thank WHO for controlling it in multiple outbreaks this past decade. Lastest one was on this year, while all attention was on COVID-19. Did you heard of it? If not, thank those hardworking for making it unrelated issue for most of us.
For other pathogens that had breached our containment, the most fearsome would be the AIDS. Can you imagine the world where HIV is spreading via droplet like sar-ncov19? Yet we failed while it spreading far, far slower that COVID-19. Other are Zika, H5N1, H1N1, MERS and SARS.
So if this seem like a foresight, it's just that author is well aware of the looming threat, very admirable nonetheless.
And if you want to predict the arc, how about magically immuned disease? Just like looming antibiotics resistance crisis we're facing. Sometimes, the real horror is around us.